
Friday, September 7, 2012

Yellow Roses and Sunflowers, Cupcakes and Pie

My yellow roses are blooming! 

My hubby gave me this rose bush last winter and it survived indoors in a pot until I could put it outside and replant it in a larger pot.  It has been blooming again.  I love yellow roses. We used to have roses in our garden but lost most of them to a few harsh winters and other problems. We have been doing work in the yard this summer to put a new garden in close to the house in a sunny spot where I hope they will be better sheltered and will not have to be moved.  I am thinking to try to bring this one back in, though, and try to winter it on my front porch.

I have been quilting the

Sunflower Table Quilt

that I made from scraps from my wall quilt.  I did an easy stitch in the ditch for this one and it went very fast.

Binding Tip

When I make the binding strip, I like to roll it around and empty thread spool and place it on one of my thread holders so it does not twist and flows easily into my feed dogs.

Today I am hand sewing the binding to the back and baking the first pumpkin pies of the season even though it is quite warm and summery here today.  My Girl's birthday is coming and she has requested pumpkin pie rather than cake since she was a 'tween.  I used to have to bake a cake, too, for her friends who did not share her enthusiasm for pumpkin custard. 
mmmmmm ... cupcakes !
We have many cupcakes left from my birthday yesterday for anyone who does not want pie today. 

Personally, I love pumpkin pie.

Guess My Girl may take after me a little ;)

Have a happy quilty day ... and pie! :-)

1 comment:

  1. The rose is gorgeous, the cupcakes and pie look delicious, and the same goes for the quilt. :) Sounds like a wonderfully happy birthday week for you and your daughter.


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