
Friday, September 20, 2013

My Pinchusion Blog Hop Giveaway Winner!

Giveaway Time!
True Random Number Generator:
Min 1 -  127
Lisa Marie said...
"My favorite is the chicken because he's scrappy
and he makes me smile. "
I am sending an email for the address to send this giveaway.
Thanks, Lisa, your comment made me smile, too!
As did all the lovely comments on my pincushions.
Thanks to all who visited and took the time from your busy days to
leave a kind word on my efforts.
A big thanks to
and to
for making this wonderful blog hop happen.
Thanks to all who participated and shared their wonderful creativity!
Have a happy quilty day!


  1. Congratulations to Lisa Marie. This pincushion hop was fantastic and I adore seeing how clever each of you are in making yours. Creative Bliss...


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind word! :-)