
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Stitchin' Sisters Round Robin Update


For the first border on Cherie's beautiful center block,

Debbieann has added a flange to frame the center medallion. 

Then she made this beautiful bargello type border.

Then she added friendship stars!

Oh, My!

This border measures only 6 inches on each side!

Lots of teeny tiny squares!!

The other Stitchin' Sisters are feeling that the bar 
has been set very high on this beauty.

Thanks, Debbieann, for challenging us to reach for the stars!

To see all the Round Robins in progress click HERE for our album page.

Happy stitchin' to all my sisters!



  1. My goodness - gorgeous! blessings, marlene

  2. Wow that is beautiful I tried to think what I would do next . The bar is high and gets higher with every border I bet. I have never done something like that! Blessings Sandra


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