
Friday, April 12, 2019

MQX New England Adventures ~ Part 1 ~ Following That Thread

Look what popped out a few days ago on my large cone of 

Here is a close up of this knotty nest.

Fortunately I was winding bobbins at the time
 and it did not get caught up in the thread path or in my needle.

This has been a very linty and fraying cone of thread with a lot of breakage.

Maybe my machine need for recent service was due in part to this. 

These cones are not cheap, but one of them usually lasts me 6 months to a year.

I looked up and contacted  the quality issue email address 

Kate, in customer service was very helpful and offered 
to send me a replacement cone from Italy.

I had bought this cone last year from their authorized vendor at

 who was vending again at the MQX NE Show.

 I did not save my receipt.
I never thought I would need it.
Kate contacted Donna at Follow that Thread
and we arranged an exchange 
and I picked up a replacement cone
at the show today.

I have been using this thread for piecing for years without any problems.

It is good to know that Aurifil cares about fixing faults with their thread.

Because of this I will continue to buy and use Aurifil Thread.

Following this thread was the first thing I did at 

I have been to this show before and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Not today.
I do not like to be a negative person.
Parking was a nightmare.
Despite the fact we got there early, there was no place in the garage
for people who wanted to just to see the show for the day.
We had to find a metered spot on a side street and walk uphill.
Neither I, nor my husband, are handicapped, but we are getting older
and my knees and hips are not what they used to be.
 The venue recently changed ownership and was renovated
and most of it was not an improvement if you were not a guest of the hotel.
Food and a place to sit and rest was not easy like it used to be.
Although we had four hours of time to enjoy the show,
we ran out of time.
Instead of lunching where we always used to do at the location
(because the restaurant had gone by the wayside in the renovations)
we had to leave early and stop somewhere on the way home to eat
before my hubby had to go to work.

We did not feel like we really saw all the quilts.
It felt more like a trade show than a quilt show.

Nonetheless, we may go back on Saturday,

the last day of the show.

The quilts are beautiful! 


  1. So sorry to hear that you had a less than stellar visit to the quilt show. I have been to very few quilt shows myself. I want to go to a few but I'm hesitant. I just can't walk the distances I used to and I don't have much money to spend and there are always things at the shows that I want or have to have. I may try to get to the Sisters. Oregon outside quilt show if my daughter can get the days off.

  2. Hi Pat! I'm sure that thread issue was an anomaly and I am thrilled to hear that Aurifil was able to assist you with an exchange. I wouldn't have had the receipt for the thread either - who on earth saves that?!! I am just getting the the end of my first large cone of one of their colors. I had a lot of breakage with it at first but I changed both the size and brand of needles and that stopped the breakage. I'm sorry that the quilt show was such a bust for you guys. It seems odd that they got rid of the eating area to me - you would think they would want to encourage visitors to stay there as long as they can. I hope Saturday's visit is better if you go, and not too busy. Happy Friday, friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. It is so frustrating when venues don't consider the variety of people and activities that will be going on in their space. It also doesn't reflect well on MQX that they didn't do their homework on a venue that would serve those they want to draw to the quilt show. They should have some sort of parking off-property that has a shuttle to take participates to and from the venue/parking. Not having food there is really dumb...quilters like to eat, just like the rest of the world!! Poor planning in so many ways. I'm glad the quilts were gorgeous and that Aurifil took care of that rat's nest in their thread! That's not what we expect when we pay a premium for good thread, but they definitely did the honorable thing...great PR for them too!! If you went back to the show today, I hope it was a better experience.


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