
Thursday, July 30, 2020

I Like Thursday # 60 ~ Home

I have always been a "home body"
 so sheltering in place has felt like an extended stay-cation for me this year.
I have spent the last month just enjoying my own backyard,
my sewing space,
my kitties,
just Mr Scrapatch and me,
with occasional visits from my boys
and long conversations on the phone with my daughter. 
My little home is not fancy but is comfy
and I have all I need.
For the last month plus I have been tuning out all social media
and have been enjoying the quiet.

I am feeling ready to get back to blogging and sharing with my quilty friends.

So here I am to again join in with the ... 

I like my hanging baskets, window boxes and gardens this year.

My quilty kitties and I have been sewing Christmas in July

Ms Katniss is a senior kitty now. 
When we adopted her 8 years ago in July as a rescue cat,
the vet at the shelter estimated her age to be about 2 and 1/2 years old. 
Her back foot is out in this photo 
where she had an old injury from her days as a stray.
Now she has quite a bit of arthritis.

Katniss is still a very playful cat. 
Above is a video of her entertaining me with a favorite toy
while I sit and read.

Katniss and her little sister kitties ... 

Nutmeg ...

and Maestro are ever helpful.

I have also been pulling old books off of my shelves and doing a lot of reading 
and have worked my way though all of this old quilt mystery series,
I have them all, mostly from second hand book stores.
One is missing from this photo because I
 have been passing them one at a time over the fence to my neighbor 
for her to enjoy on her yard swing,
while we social distance in our own backyards.
These are fun reads and the cast of characters are all interesting.
Old books are like old friends.

I am on the last pages of the one she wrote about another set of characters
and included an older Benni Harper as a background character.

When I read these books I always have to make 
to munch as I read.

I made a vegan version of them with almond milk and coconut oil 
so I could pass some of the cookies over the fence, too.

Whether inside looking out at the flowers
or outside enjoying the yard,
life has been good to me
during this long hot summer.

May all be well with you and yours.

Enjoy your summer days and summer nights. 


  1. Awesome likes. Benni Harper series, the Christmas quilt is fabulous, your yard, and sharing with the neighbor. Here's to homebodies! I don't think the stay at home orders affect us as much.

  2. Your yard is looking very lovely my friend. I'm glad you've been enjoying the summer. A good book and yummy cookies, sounds like a hit to me :) Continue to enjoy.

  3. I’ve also been reading the Benni Harper series. My friend kept recommending them and then my library had quite a few in their book sale so I had to get them. I will have to make the cookies next time I’m reading them.

  4. I remember reading those books- very entertaining. Books are great therapy to take us away for an hour or two. Thank goodness I love to read, sew and bake so I have had some entertainment this last 5 months! I’m loving your flowers! Our trees have grown so huge that it’s difficult to have those sun loving plants. Thanks fir sharing!

  5. i LOVE Earlene Fowler, her other books are just as good as Benni's series too. Is she still writing? hope so...
    oh your first picture is lovely, as is the connection you have with your neighbor..
    welcome home...

  6. Hi Pat! Benni Harper!!! I haven't read her for a long time - I need to revisit those books. Ahh, your kitties are so pretty and I love the little video. I can understand going dark on social media - I've been doing a similar thing with the news. I'm glad you're back to joining us. Your backyard looks lovely. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. This has been good for homebodies. And it's good to ignore the media for a while. oof. Pretty kitties. And what a pile of books!!

  8. What a beautiful post! Love all the flowers and all of the positive thoughts! I think that my kitty needs one of those toys too... ;-)

  9. How lovely- I would live in that beautiful landscape. I’m also a homebody, too but can’t go outside due to the heat. 118 yesterday, Dangerous/.
    But, you get to enjoy your haven. Best wishes.

  10. Your backyard is so lovely. Such a pleasant place to spend the time with kitty pals and good books. And cookies. And a nice neighbor friend. Your fence is a friendly fence. The style here is for 6' high, closely spaced pickets so one never knows the pleasure of passing books and cookies across the fence. Beautiful post!


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