
Thursday, April 11, 2024

I Like Thursday ~ Good Morning and Good Night


In the early morning, you can find me enjoying my coffee 

and adding more stitches to my current project.

The question this week for 

I Like Thursday @ Not Afraid of Color

is "Are you a Morning Person or Night Owl?"

In truth, I can be either or both.

Many a midnight in the past, I would be sitting at my sewing machine

while Mr Scrapatch was working a late shift.

Now I can still occasionally be up stitching

long after Mr. Scrapatch has gone to bed for the night

as he is an early to work man these days

and gets up and feeds the kitties before me.

When he leaves for work, the kitties are napping

and the sun shines in or the rain taps at the windows

and I am stitching. 

Here are a few of the new rows in my Mystery Spring Crochet Along:

Jacob's Ladder

This is my favorite stitch in this crochet along so far.

The last time I laid out the work in progress,

it measured over 4 feet long.

Here are a few of the most recent additions.

The Strawberry row is really cute.
The stitch above it is another rainbow stitch,
this one is a Mosaic Crochet Stitch.

Nutmeg loves this and wants to claim it as her own.

So when the row of the day was a Cat Stitch,
I changed the color to orange just for her. 

My stitching lasted into the afternoon today
as it called for the Drunken Granny Stitch.
My fingers could almost make Granny Squares in my sleep,
so they kept making regular granny clusters
and I had to pull them out and start again a few times.
By the afternoon, it was time to relax with a bit of 
Bailey's in my afternoon iced coffee to get in the spirit of the stitch.

Now here it is night and I am updating my blog a wee bit late this week.

Good Morning and Goodnight to all my Thursday blogging friends!


  1. This is such a pretty blanket Pat. I love all the colors and the variety of stitches. Well done.

  2. These are beautiful stitches, Pat. Some I have not heard of and you are rendering them all beautifully in this afghan. It will be a beauty for sure. Happy Stitching and kittie cuddling!

  3. pretty colors and do I spy baileys? yum. I discovered a bailey's sauce recipe, so good. For cake or ice cream.


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