
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I am a Sew & Show Blogger!

Madame Samm @ Sew We Quilt
has come up with another good idea and great giveaway
read all about it ...
<3 I am a happy Sew & Show Blogger! <3
Here is the story of my blogging journey ...
Four years ago I started my blog as a personal record of my quilts.  Twice I had tried keeping a notebook type journal with swatches and pattern info so I would have a way to check back to see what quilt I have made when and with what fabrics and patterns, but I did not keep up with it. Then I stared a blog and found this was a much easier way for me to keep this information.  I had maybe a dozen followers, all close quilty friends I had met online.  I found I enjoyed reading other quilting blogs and making new friends this way, so a few more friends and followers were added along the way.  As I explored all the creative quilty ideas out there,  I started following more and more blogs.   I found I liked sharing with other quilters through my blog and I started to receive more encouraging words on my quilting efforts.
Sew We Quilt is one of the many blogs I have found and followed for the inspiration and great tutorials posted by Madame Samm and by her guest bloggers.
I never really intended to enter any blog hops or such. Then last year about this time, I saw the Leafs Me Happy and Wicked Blog Hops and felt like I should really stop sitting on the sidelines and start sharing and giving back. The first blog hop that I signed up for was the Nancy Drew hop.  This combined two of my loves ... reading and quilting!
When this one was rescheduled to later, my first blog hop as a participant was the "In Your Words" hop in January. 
I love these blog hops because they inspire me to step outside my box sometimes and try something new.  I love learning and trying new things.
Thanks to all the Sew and Show blog community and to all the
wonderful quilt bloggers who share their ideas so generously!
For some of the many other blogs I follow,
please check my sidebar for links to some of my favorite bloggers 
Happy quilting and blogging!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind word! :-)