
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wicked Good Quilty Fun!

Glow-in-the-dark Thread
I am having wicked good fun quilting my wicked project for the

This thread has come to me courtesy of my wicked good
favorite local quilt shop,
which is also an online shop.
Click on the link above to visit.
When I stopped by recently to look for glow-in-the-dark thread to add the perfect quilting touch to my project for the Wicked blog hop, they were temporarily sold out of these spools for sale.  Liz, the owner, is so nice that she let me "borrow" this used spool from her long arm supplies.  It is wonderful to have this as my local quilt shop. They have great weekly sales.  Check out their weekly newsletter Here.
  I will be returning what is left on Monday as I am putting the finishing stitches in my project.
I am scheduled to post on the first day of the hop!
There are so many wicked awesome quilters in this hop
that it is sure to be spooktacular!
The sign ups are now open for a new hop at
It is  "For the Boys"
The cheerleader for this hop is
Amy @ Sew Incredibly Crazy !
That is sew incredibly awesome!
I think this is a wonderful idea for a blog hop and wish I could participate.
I have two weeks left before my scheduled eye surgery and I may try to get a project together before then for this hop. Wish me luck!
If you want to join in the fun ...
Sign Up Now!
Happy Quilting!
~ <3 ~


  1. What? Glow in the dark thread? That's so cool! Can't wait to see what you do with it :)

  2. what, I have never seen this before....does it really glow?

  3. I haven't tried that brand of glow in the dark thread. You'll have to tell me if it is any good. Can't wait for you to reveal what you are brewing up. ;). I have to work on mine. Thanks for being my cheerleader.

  4. I was at the Superior Thread warehouse in Utah on Friday (love that place) and saw the glow-in-the-dark thread, but didn't buy it. Can't wait to see how it looks on your project.

  5. i will have to look for that thread, i did buy some invisable thread but havn't used it yet


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