
Friday, September 27, 2013

Random 5 & Feline Friday

(1)  My Butterfly, Born to Be Wild
Butterfly says, " Leather, no lace, for me!"
My Matty left this on the table recently after he enjoyed a ride on one of our lovely fall days on his bike and
Butterfly just loves to cuddle in her humans' clothing and blankets ...  
 ... and any warm and quilty place!

Butterfly is looking quite domesticated in this picture. ;)

(3)  Fall Quity Love! <3
I have hung my fall quilts!
I love fall colors and fabrics and everything about the fall! 
More fall quilty piccies  Here.
(4) Quilty Kitties X 2
It is getting cool and breezy at night in my quilty corner
and I have had to close windows ...
Butterfly and Katniss say, "You closed our window!"
   This is the coveted window in the sewing room.  Usually the plaid blanket is on the sill for kitty comfort.  When I moved it, I cleared some stuff that had collected on the lower shelf with the intention of putting the blanket there so that my kitties would still have a place to perch in comfort and see out and I might be able to actually use my pressing board, which Butterfly is claiming as her spot. 
Katniss actually had the audacity to sneak in underneath and peer up at Butterfly from the window side and surprise her. 
Score 1 for Katniss.
Hissing and jostling occurred until Butterfly convinced her to move ...

Butterfly is The Cat #1 
Even after a year, 3 year old Katniss is still the "new cat in the house"
to 13 year old Butterfly who likes to give constant reminders
of this to Kat #2.
Score 1 for Butterfly.
Katniss consoled herself by claiming my new comfy new sewing chair.
Quilty Kitty Score tied 1/1.
(4) Score 0 for me ... I did not get much sewing and pressing done.
Here is a block I made awhile ago and I just found while I was looking for the picture of Butterfly on Matty's motorcycle jacket ...
( 5)  An Army Star Block

I love this block, but it was a bit tricky to make.
It is a paper pieced pattern designed by my friend Denise and it is going into a very special group Quilt of Valor being made
by my lovely quilty friends at The Quilt & Needle.
In a few months, I will post the quilt when it is finished.
Shhhhhh!  This quilt is a secret!
Linking up today with the interesting kitties at
and the interesting people at
Have a happy weekend!


  1. Adore the double decker viewing window. Come on Katniss...claim your spot!

  2. that's an amazing & such a colorful quilt - love that it's for the fall season. my favorite of all the season. so perfect! ( :

  3. Butterfly is beautiful and so is your quilt!

  4. Butterfly is beautiful and so is your quilt!

  5. Butterfly is beautiful and so is your quilt!

  6. Whatever quilt I am working on, my one cat wants to lay on it all the time!

  7. love your fall quilt. aren't our kitties fun? they are always wanting to "help"! mine really like to help fold the laundry just out of the dryer. :) have a lovely weekl

  8. Oh i want to sneak into the photos and hug Katniss and Butterfly! Sweet kitties! :)

    I love your gorgeous wall hangings. I love everything about autumn too.

  9. Love the idea of the Valor quilt -- you are so talented. Have a wonderful weekend my friend!


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