You may find this and other free block patterns here ...

This size block is perfect for mug rug size. I added a couple of narrow cream borders and then a blue band on each size to make the rectangular mat size asked for in the swap.
I hope my "muggee" enjoys her new mug rugs as much as I enjoyed making them for her. :)
Lookee at what lovelies I just received in the mail today from my Mug Rug buddy on the Q&N Swap ... 
aren't they "sew" pretty!?
I love pansies! I am hoping next weekend to be planting some of these pretty little flowers in my window boxes and watching them turn the brave little faces to the wind.
Thank you, Denise! I just love 'em!
Now ... back to paper-piecing that long delayed Round Robin border ...
have a happy quilty day! :) Pat