Tuesday, March 30, 2010
More Flower Show ... and a Quilt Show, Too!

Monday, March 29, 2010
Boston Spring Flower Show Time
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Making Baby Quilts!

Monday, March 22, 2010
Getting Ready for Easter!
The need to be out and about ... and to find jelly beans and chocolate Easter bunnies ... took over and I went shopping, did a little retail therapy and came home with a bagful of goodies which I have hidden away for a few more days ... well after leaving a few Lindt truffles out for sampling. I had a lot of help making those disappear over the weekend ... all three of my adult children stopped by on Sunday. This always makes me very happy. I told them they all have to come back on Easter Sunday to get the rest of the goodies. So I am preparing for a lovely Easter Brunch with my family.
Then on my trip to the grocery store I bought a ham and started menu planning. Yum! I also could not resist the lovely, yellow daffodils that now grace my kitchen table. They smell so lovely and as the weather has turned gray today and there is more rain coming, their sunny smile is really brightening my day!
... and ...
Since the grocery store is so close to a quilt shop, I just had to stop in and see their new goodies and I found this wonderful bolt of "Bunny's Day Out" border print in the clearance section!! So clearly I had to partake of this bargain fabric ...
I am planning to make a table cloth with it for Easter!! I used some of this fabric that was left from making some charity blocks and a baby quilt last year in the placemats that were in the previous post so they will match perfectly!
While I accompanied my daughter as she looked for new spring clothes at Kohls I could not resist those ceramic Easter baskets. Too cute. I am sure the guys in my life have been missing having a pink ceramic Easter egg basket in their lives! ;-)
Still working on my Mystery Quilt. I am loving how the center medallion is coming together. I am thinking of changing the borders around to better suit my needs. So my mystery will remain a mystery a little longer.
Well, I am off to clean my home and then to sew!!
Have a happy quilty day!! :-) Pat
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Quilts and Swaps are Springing!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Q&N Retreat in Tomball ...
Here is my finished quilt top with borders of my own design to enter this into the online Q&N Panel Challenge ...
To see all the projects from this challenge and to see the winners, enjoy the eye candy in this thread ...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Spring Is Coming!
The windows are open There are buds on the forsythia and I found that the crocuses are coming up under the winter's accumulation of windblown leaves. Spring will soon be here!
Saturday was a fine day for a drive through the north country. I shop-hopped my way through seven quilt shops on the Leprechaun Shop Hop in NH and found some lovely buys to add to the 30's Layer Cake Swap. Here are some of my new pretties ...
These fabrics are swishing in my washer. :-)
My favorite "new to me" shop was "The Quilted Frog" ...
The fabrics in this picture were all purchased at this shop. More pretties ...
All of these fabrics are Darlene Zimmerman prints. I seem to have a lot of her repros in my 30's stash. The Quilted Frog is right by the bridge to Weirs Beach. My hubby even enjoyed browsing and bought a book called "Easy Japanese Quilt Style" and we found some gorgeous geisha fabric for his personal stash. The staff is very friendly and helpful, too. This shop is well worth a stop for quilters visiting the Lakes Region.
It is Monday house cleaning day. Since it is so spring-like the spring cleaning mode is kicking in. I have done three loads of winter bedding already today. Some quilts ready to put in later.
Hmmmm ... time to be hanging a spring quilt on the wall ... ;-)
New song for the player is "Morning Has Broken" ... a song I always associate with spring and new beginnings.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
I Love Fabric Swaps!