Saturday, June 18, 2016

Ready and Waiting

For My Beautiful Little Grand-Darling

Butterfly and I covered the mattress with some laminated fabric 
and then made a matching fitted sheet of soft flannel.

If anyone is interested in how to make a fitted sheet for any size mattress, 
let me know and I will post a tutorial. 

The quilt is an old favorite, 
my Dresden Square design.

This little nest is Butterfly approved.

Ready and waiting ~ two more days!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Getting Ready

Butterfly and I are hard at work getting ready for some very special visitors.

My Grand-Darling is coming to visit next week!

I am getting her playhouse ready.

She has outgrown the pack and play type sleeping arrangements,
so I made a temporary mattress for her out of an old comforter and a sheet
and she is going to sleep in her own little house.

Then Butterfly and I covered it with laminated cotton.
Butterfly has been very helpful during all of this prep work.

Butterfly and I am making a sheet for it today.

Almost ready for our company.

Butterfly says, "what do you mean this house is not for me?"

Sorry, Butterfly.  

This little house is for the Little Miss.


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Somedays ...

... you just need to cuddle with your kitty and your quilt.

Today was one of those days. 

Feeling better now.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sign Up Now!

The wonderful Opposites Attract Blog Hop is over,

but a wonderful new blog hop is coming soon.

I do not know about you but I find summer a great time for sewing.

It is so hot outside sometimes, I just want to stay inside where it is cool
and enjoy my pretty fabric.

Sometimes I take a small hand project outside and sit on my yard swing and stitch.

What do you do in summer?

If you will be sewing and stitching then share with us. 

Hope to see you joining us ... :)

Friday, June 3, 2016

A New Opposites + Project

This lovely layer cake is 

I have a layer cake that I sorted into pairs
to make a baby quilt with the
design concept.

Obviously this will be more than a two color quilt.

I am trying to decide which of the following blocks to use:

Block 1 


Block 2 


Your thoughts would be appreciated. 


Butterfly is my quilty helper tonight ...

I think she is also trying to lay claim to the quilt 
that I said I was going to give to Katniss 
at the end of summer.

Butterfly thinks all my quilts are hers.

Maybe she just wants my comfy chair... ;)

It is already Day 3 of the 


Opposites Attract Blog Hop

June 03

Elizabeth Coughlin Designs

A beautiful day

MooseStash Quilting

Patchwork Breeze

This is a very inspiring blog hop.

Looking forward to today's creations!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

More Opposites Attract Fun!

My newest Opposites + creation!

I made a pillow to enjoy on my yard swing with my morning coffee.

This was made with the  Opposites + Alternative Block

I made four blocks in alternating fabrics 
and made a 15" pillow block. 

I adding piping using this product ...

... Nancy's Notions.
It is a fusible piping cord that was easy to use 
following the package directions.

The piping fabric is from Ann Kelle's Remix collection 
and I did not have it when I started this project.
One of my favorite nearby quilt shops is
unfortunately closing its doors and I shopped their clearance sale.

I used the orange and blue dot fabric 
for the envelope style backing.

 I am having so much fun with this concept 
that I have fabric out for another
Opposite Attract project.  More soon!

The winner of yesterday's 

Fat Quarter Shop

Gift Certificate 

is announced  HERE by 

For more 
Opposites Attract fun  and more chances to win
be sure to visit all of Today’s Hoppers:

Happy Hopping!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Opposites Attract Blog Hop

Here is my newest creation for the ...


Opposites Attract Blog Hop

Marian @ Seams To Be So
created and organized this hop.

What a great idea for a blog hop ...
two colors,
small quilt
... the possibilities are endless!

This concept really inspired my quilty muse and I had a few ideas.

This is the new design idea that I finally chose ...

I am calling this new pattern

+ Opposites + Attract + 

as it incorporates plus signs in opposing colors.

Here is the  +Opposites+ block I designed.

To further emphasize the opposites theme
I made this block in opposing fabrics and

included both in the layout.

I really enjoyed making this quilt

I chose a simple wave design for the quilting.

For the backing, I used the blue on orange dot fabric
that inspired the color choice,
 which I blogged about HERE

As always, Katniss was very helpful in the making of this quilt.

I think she really likes this one for and have promised her she may have it for her basket after summer is over.

Right now it is the perfect size for our outside table.

This quilt measures 34" by 21"

I hope you have enjoyed reading about this quilt 
as much as I enjoyed making it.

I have other quilty visions for this design ... 

and an alternative block to explore!

You may be seeing a lot more of this 

Opposites + Attract

pattern idea on my blog!

Be sure to visit all the beautiful creations today >>>  

June 01

Tweety Loves Quilting

Quilt In A Not-Shell

Life in the Scrapatch (you are here)

My Quilty Musings

This blog hop is attracting some fabulous opposites!

Before you go be sure to enter our fabulous giveaway from

Fat Quarter Shop

On the homefront in the scrapatch,
things are still somewhat frustrating.
My quilt computer is still down.
My blogging capabilities continue to be greatly reduced.

At least we have the yard swing back up to enjoy the yard!

Happy summer!