Monday, June 3, 2024

Summer Blooms and Stitches

 Good Morning!

Summer has been blooming in my scrapatch.

I have been having some ups and downs, 

but life is good.

I have been doing a lot of sitting and crocheting.

I have been carrying my yarn bag and hooks wherever life takes me.

Last fall we had to cut back the big purple clematis

 because it had suffered a lot of winter kill last year. 

It is growing back green and beautiful. 

Life can be like that. 

Sometimes you need to regroup and carry on ...

... and bloom.

 The wall of rhododendrons in our driveway have also bloomed.

My kitties and I finished our Spring Crochet Along Blanket.

I added wide side borders of my own design to make it bed size.

Nutmeg loves this one. 

Then I added the lovely yellow shell edging from the crochet along. 

Cassian helped. 

 Our big boy stray cat has become quite domesticated

and loves this blanket, too.

This is the start of my new crochet along with 

Any Day Crochet on TikTok

More soon! 

I hope you are having and happy and healthy June!


Gretchen Weaver said...

The new afghan is very pretty! Happy stitching!

Dorian said...

Nice to see you today Pat! I love your pretty blanket, it's so pretty. Your flowers are all lovely too. Hugs to you!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful flowers and really really pretty crochet afghan! Love the colors and the design.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Just loved that photo of Cassian...looks so peaceful. I just took photos of my purple clematis. Lovely afghan and crocheting. Happy Stitching from me!