A Stray Cat Finds Quilty Comfort
This cat is called Ghost. He appeared one gray day in a snow storm. I found him sitting on the rail on my back porch at dusk, looking at me with his big luminous eyes, the only part of him visible in the gloom. Eyes that have seen too many hard times but are still filled with love and trust. Yes, I fed him. He does not want to move in. He is a happy wanderer and his favorite time of day is what I call "Happy Hour" when he comes for catnip. Here he is on my bed with an old throw quilt and a catnip bag. Shortly after I took this photo he rubbed on my leg and asked to go back out and resume his travels. Sometimes we do not see him for a couple of weeks. One time he showed up bleeding from a deep gash on the neck. We do what we can for him, but he does not want to belong to anyone. So we care and let him be free. He is a kind and gentle soul and both of our other cats let him visit without any fur flying. I have chosen this photo to be my "Poster Kitty" for the Pets of Quilts Show. SewCalGal is putting together a calendar as a fundraiser for her local animal shelter. Ghost asks you to please remember kindly all the needy animals on our planet that need a little human TLC.
This post is for those of you who love your pets and quilts together.
SewCalGal is running here Pets On Quilts online show and my quilty kitties are joining in the sew fine feline fun. :-)
Click here and follow the link or the button on the side of my blog to enjoy the show ...
Those of you who have been reading my blog know there are many cats on quilts photos and stories here.
A Gift of Mina and The Watermelon Quilty
For today's blog I have selected a few that you have not seen before, like the one above of Mina, my ever-present quilty helper. In this photo she is "helping" me to quilt a table topper swap gift for my friend Cherie.
Here is one I took recently of Butterfly during Quilty Playtime in my summery blue and yellow quilted bedroom ...
For those of you who may be visiting my blog for the first time and want to see and read more about my sew fine quilty felines, please stop and stay awhile and read some of my older posts. Here is one about my quilty helpers
Cats On Quilts.
The Butterfly Cat 'n' Quilt
Thanks to all who have visited with me and my quilty kitties in our "Life in the Scrapatch."
May you have a happy, quilty day ... :) Pat