Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ 2021 ~ Wrap-Up



As the year is coming to an end, I am looking back and looking forward.

This will be the last time I post this weekly linky party.

As happens between Thanksgiving and Christmas, my energies have been focused elsewhere and I have done very little sewing, stitching or blogging.

I am in the process of deciding if I want to continue this linky party in 2022.

I have made some lovely new friends here and stayed connected with a few old ones, too. 

This makes me happy.

Mostly, this is a no-stress thing for me. 

If I stitch, I show.

If I don't, I am a virtual no-show at my own linky party.

Being a no-show makes me unhappy.

I have even had thoughts about putting my blog on pause.

So to continue or not?

Hmmmm ... ???


I have looked at the blog hops in the works for next year:

Sneak Peek ~ Blog Hops 2022 ~ @ MooseStashQuilting

I have signed up for the January Polar Bear Plunge Blog Hop.

I actually have a couple of blue UFOs that need sewing.

So I will be starting the year off with blog hopping goodness. 

I guess this means I have resolved to blog on!

If you have any thoughts on any of this, please share.

If you have any suggestions to improve this linky party, please suggest.

If you have any thoughts on a different theme or day for a linky party, 

I am interested. 


LA Paylor said...

thank you for the blog hops poster!

Melva said...

I always enjoy the show & tells. And I don't view you as a "no sew, no show" at all. Sometimes life is just busy! I find it helpful to do "bulk prep". I will often prepare multiple posts and schedule them for publication, including social media scheduling. It is helpful in that there is SOMETHING ready to go if I don't get to it to tweak or adjust as needed before the actual publish date.

If that doesn't appeal to you how about asking for volunteers to host it, like the TGIFF link?

Turid said...

I'm there also every end of the year. But blogging gives me lots of friends, and lots of ideas. So I think I will continue. I can decide to blog only once or twice a month. Sometimes life is too busy to answer all comments on your own blog or read and comment other blogs. But I'm there to enjoy your blogs, even if I'm silent. Happy that you'll go on blogging. And I love linky parties, so I hope you'll be there.

Bernie Kringel said...

I often struggle with this - usually it presents itself by my posting far less often (as with most of this year). However I would be sad to give it up entirely. I do enjoy the people and reading about their projects and daily musings. Totally up to you Pat. Don't fret over it. Do the parts that bring you pleasure. I like the link up but it is work so again, if it brings you pleasure. Happy holidays to you!!

Dorian said...

Good morning Pat :) Maybe you can just slow down your blogging? Not stop all together, but blog less often. I have gotten so lazy on taking pictures to upload, that I rarely blog at all anymore... as you well know ;)... But I do miss it and keep telling myself to do more. Anyways, my point is, do as much or as little as you feel like, it's your blog, and I always enjoy reading it, but I do understand the need to slow down and stop blogging so much. Or being busy with other things, etc. ((HUGS)) Have a lovely day.

Deb said...

I do appreciate and visit your blog often. I agree with the comments above. Do as little or as much as suits you! We all know life can get ahead of us sometimes. Some days tho my blogosphere gives me somewhere to go for inspiration and weirdly, comfort. It has certainly helped immensely when all my physical contacts have been limited the last 2 years. I love the linking and have found amazing sites and people thru the link parties. I am sure we would all be fine either way. Thank you for what you have done and do what is best for you!
Have a great Christmas! Stay safe and sew on !

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I think of you as prolific when it comes to the quilting world and all it showing pretty fabric, beautiful quilting, hosting a stitch along, providing quilty links,etc. I always think it is the folks who are professionals who continually have new work/finishes to share. For the rest of us, we show when we have some progress on this or that and speaking for myself, I rarely have finishes as I prefer working on big projects. I absolutely love your blog with its mixture of stitching, food, recipes and what you are up to. That makes it a blog I return to to read and be inspired too. I know you have to do what is best for you and no pressure here but I would be disappointed if you gave up blogging.

Miaismine said...

Oh my. That's a big question. I took off time from my blog this year when my parents relocated to another state. I really needed that time "off". Now, I'm glad to be back, but of course, during the holidays it again feels overwhelming.
I'm glad to be back because it gives my crafty/reading/spiritual life focus. There are times like this week's post where I don't have much sewing to post, but I know the ladies in bloglandia will love me anyway.
That's the wonderful gift of bloggers - we appreciate each other without judgement.
If you need to take time off, do so. Hit the pause button and return when you are ready. We'll be here. :) hugs to you!