... and the winner is ...
........... drumroll ............
Comment # 33
krislovesfabricJune 4, 2014 at 8:29 AM
What a beauty of a picnic quilt...love the checkers! And how neat that you got to visit the basket outlet...I might be jealous :)
Congratulations to
Kris@ Kris Loves Fabric
who has her own lovely Perfect Picnic post with a beautiful quilt, flowers, delicious food ...
and two yummy pies.
Enjoy your shopping at
Fabrics N Quilts
Thanks to all who stopped by and left so many kind words on my quilt and picnic post.
I wish I had something for all of you.
Please visit me again.
Hope to have more fun giveaways soon!
Thanks, again, to
Shannon @ Fabrics N Quilts
for generously offering this giveaway to my readers.
This has been such a fun fun fun blog hop!
Looking forward to the next hop announcement from
Madame Samm @ Sew We Quilt
who always brings sunshine and happiness to my scrapatch!
A view from my back porch.
The sun just broke through the clouds here after two hours of rain!
Have a happy quilty day!