Perfect 5 Sampler Quilt QAL ~ Week 2 ~ Blocks 3 & 4
I have decided that I love the ruler.
It has wonderfully easy to read marks for 2.5 and 4.5
and other cuts needed for these blocks.

As I am vision impaired I am always looking for rulers that are easy to see.
I actually have the Perfect 10 Ruler
and since I am cutting a layer cake for my quilt,
I am using the larger ruler on this quilt as well.
I am sew enjoying cutting and sewing these blocks.
I learned in my Fat Quarter Shop live stream and video viewing
that the FQS owner, Kimberly Jolly has vision issues.
Since she sews the patterns and uses the rulers they design
they are all user friendly for those of us who need that little extra help
to see what we are cutting. I really appreciate this.
So, yes, I am a happy Fat Quarter Shop Shopper.
I am also happy with how these blocks are working up sew nicely.
They have been quilty kitty inspected and approved.
Time to go snuggle under the quilts on this very cold night in the northeast.
Sweet Quilty Dreams <3
I like this block. It's interesting and different. Thanks for the review on the ruler. ;^)
Hi Pat! Those do look like great rulers, and I am happy to hear they are addressing the issue for vision impaired quilters. Your blocks look so pretty and the quilt inspector is taking his job quite seriously. ~smile~ Roseanne
Pretty fabrics and love the blocks so far.
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