My hubby painted wooden disks for the checkers for me.
I was the very lucky recipient of this beautiful laminated chevron fabric from our generous sponsor,
These new laminates are very soft and flexible.
The laminate is only on the top. The back of the fabric is a soft weave.
I read all the helpful hints from Riley Blake on the sewing and care of these fabrics, like these
I love the the back of this quilt!
I consider this a two-sided quilt.
The backing makes a great wipe clean tablecloth if I want to save the front of the quilt from spills.
and generously sending me a little extra backing fabric
to make my 60" quilt!
I had a small piece of the pretty chevron laminate fabric left
so I made a pouch for the checkers.
My hubby likes this quilt so much we have decided to keep it.
(I shall be making another one soon to send to my daughter.)
We also decided that we need a new picnic basket for ourselves.
So we decided to take a drive ...
Peterborough, NH, is about an hour and a half drive down some
very pretty back roads.
We used to live in this part of New Hampshire
so I have actually visited their factory outlet showroom before.
They offer great discounts in their no frills factory outlet
where your can see the basket making process, too.
There is even a section of "factory seconds" which look pretty perfect to me.
They offer great discounts in their no frills factory outlet
where your can see the basket making process, too.
There is even a section of "factory seconds" which look pretty perfect to me.
We found some great outlet prices, so we bought two baskets.
One large enough for a my hubby and I to go on picnics ...
all ready to put the top down and ride ...
all ready to put the top down and ride ...
...and one personal size picnic basket just for me!
I do not carry a large pocketbook or tote bag, but I shall carry this small picnic basket
with me with a snack and a hand project and a book tucked in.
What do we like to pack in our big beautiful basket?
Pie is a must for our picnic basket.
This one is Strawberry-Rhubarb,
which is a spring favorite in my house.
You can find my recipe by scrolling down to my previous post
or clicking HERE
We, also, pack fresh and easy to eat foods in our basket,
like fruit, cheese, veggies, the fixin's to make sandwiches.
Both my husband and I love to make homemade bread.
Charlie made this loaf which is why it looks so perfect.
Do we play checkers?
Yes, we do!
We also bring a deck of cards,
something to read.
There are free summer band concerts by the river and we will enjoy laying out our quilt.
We also like to sit out in the evening and picnic in our own backyard.
"Just Me and Charlie Talking"
We are looking forward to many picnics
with this bright and pretty quilt!
Giveaway Time!
[This giveaway is now closed.]
I am thrilled to be offering my first sponsored giveaway!
The fabrics in my quilt top were purchased when
I was the lucky winner of a giveaway from ...

Shannon @ Fabric 'n' Quilts
is generously offering a
Giveaway Time!
[This giveaway is now closed.]
I am thrilled to be offering my first sponsored giveaway!
The fabrics in my quilt top were purchased when
I was the lucky winner of a giveaway from ...

Shannon @ Fabric 'n' Quilts
is generously offering a
$30.00 gift certificate to her webstore !
Thank you, Shannon!
To be eligible to win his giveaway:
please leave one lovely comment!
This offer is open to all, anywhere in the world.
You do not need to be a follower to win.
As a special thanks to my wonderfully supportive followers,
new and old,
I am offering a second chance to win.
If you are a follower, you may leave a 2nd comment
telling me how you follow.
new and old,
I am offering a second chance to win.
If you are a follower, you may leave a 2nd comment
telling me how you follow.
You do need to leave an email address where I can contact you
to let you know if you are the lucky winner
I will be sending your email address to Shannon so that she may contact you directly
as to how to redeem this certificate.
My blog does not allow anonymous comments to keep away the robots.
If you do not have an ID to leave a comment, you may email me
at the address under "Contact Me" at the the top of my blog
and I will enter your comment for you.
This giveaway closes on
Monday June 9th at Midnight EDT.
I will use a random number generator to choose the winner.
I will announce a winner on Tuesday, June 10th!
Best of luck!
Please be sure to stop by all these lovely picnics ...
Wednesday June 4
Life in the Scrapatch (you are here)
Thanks, Madame Samm, for creating this wonderful blog hop!
Thanks, Mary, for cheering us on!
Please come back and play again soon!
Click HERE for a free tutoarial of how I made my quilt.
Thanks for visiting!
It's your move ...
All rights Reserved
Pattern designed by Pat Broe
Life In the Scrapatch Quilts
Pat, it is soo lovely. Love the colors and having a quilted checker board is such a great idea. I am looking forward to your tutorial. Thanks for inviting us to you pretty little picnic. Your rhubarb pie looks super yummy.
How could I not follow you. :)
I made a checkerboard quilt for my daughters about 30 years ago. Your quilt reminded me of it. What a great idea for a picnic quilt!
A perfect checkerboard quilt in perfect colors, and you have such a nice hubby to make the checkers for you!
The strawberry-rhubarb pie looks delicious! I made rhubarb muffins yesterday, and that is the perfect taste of early summer.
I am looking forward to your tutorial!
I follow via GFC.
What a wonderful idea having a picnic quilt that also doubles as a checkerboard! Thank you for sharing.
Oh, Pat, I've enjoyed my visit to your blog so much. Your quilt is so perfect and the fabrics and the food and the location(s) and the photos... What a great stop on the blog hop. Well done. I look forward to seeing your tutorial. I so wish my baskets would have arrived. Your photos make my mouth water.
What a Great multi purpose Quilt!! I Love your Fabric choices too! Thanks for sharing your wonderful day with us, I really enjoyed reading about it!!
Huggs, Nancy
Pat, the tease was intriguing. I love the checkerboard pattern (and actual board) in the middle of the quilt. The checkers compliment the quilt very, very well. I love a group project. I'm not good at checkers, yet have fond memories of playing checkers with my maternal grandmother. When my mother and dad were dating in college, my dad would have to go at least 1/2 hour early to pick up my mom so that he could play Chinese checkers with her mom (my grandmother later). She loved games and taught us to play checkers, Chinese checkers, dominoes (both sets of grandparents), gin rummy, and more. She was always willing to be in the mix. These are wonderful memory makers. I adore the backing. I enjoy your review of the fabric. When someone you "know" gives an opinion, it resonates more than one from an unknown. I'm thrilled the laminate is easy to use. I love the fabrics you chose, too. Thanks for participating.
I'm an Old follower via Bloglovin'. Thanks for a great giveaway.
When I saw the first picture of your quilt, I thought what a beautiful quilt with gorgeous quilting, and then the next picture I saw it also was a checker board. I was blown away! Love it! Great job!
Where to start...this is a great post. Love the quilt, love the checkers, love the picnic, LOVE that you went to Peterboro...Great pictures of everything and your checkers quilt is great.
I follow you with bloglovin'.
Love, love, love, your checkered quilt! I just love to play checkers! Your meal looks yummy, and getting to go to the Peterboro factory...drool! You are stalked by me on my blogroll! Added GFC for good measure, can't be too careful, I might miss a posting ;)
I've got to check out your strawberry/rhubarb pie recipe, it sounds wonderful I love rhubarb. Thanks for taking me along on your picnic, I had a great time. Your quilt is beautiful, thanks in advance for the free tutorial. ;->
I'm a follower through Bloglovin. ;->
What a beautiful quilt and that the center is your checkerboard! Loved seeing all your photos and getting a little peek into your picnic. Thanks for showing everything!
Thanks for sharing your great quilt & thanks for the chance to win.
I'm a follower with Bloglovin' - thanks again.
Your quilt is so beautiful and so clever! I really enjoyed your post and all your photos. I follow you through Bloglovin' and thanks for offering such a generous giveaway!
Oops...second comment to say (again): I follow you through Bloglovin' and thanks for offering such a generous giveaway!
Good Morning Pat, I hope I am not too late to join you .....oh your picnic design..I love checkers...I love your pics, your pie, your trip to P.B. and your basket choices..I adore your small one...oh my word, what a delightful excursion with you both...thank you...
I love your checkers quilt! I have some game board quilts in the works myself... still in design mode... but being the game players we are... I just love the thought of playing on a quilt!
I miss the days of going to the park for picnics.. I need to move back to Alabama soon!
I love this quilt. We camp a lot and this would be perfect. I can't wait for your tutorial. Thanks for the giveaway
Your quilt turned out lovely Ms Pat! A perfect quilt to play some games while you relax :) Those baskets are lovely too. Great job my friend.
Congrats on your first sponsor. You know how I follow you :) just wanted to make sure I was entered twice :D LOL
Oh I love this idea!! No wonder your husband wants to keep it... I would too! :)
Follow via bloglovin
So, so cute! My grandchildren would love this - they love checkers. :) I don't blame your husband for wanting to keep it. And I sure wish I could have made that shopping trip with you! blessings, marlene
I follow on Bloglovin'. blessings, marlene
You are so clever! I love your colors and your design. This is just a brilliant idea!
Love, love, love your quilt and will come back tomorrow for the tutorial! Thanks:) Amy (
What a beauty of a picnic the checkers! And how neat that you got to visit the basket outlet...I might be jealous :)
I've always thought you were amazing, but now you've just blown me away with this checkerboard quilt. it! My Monkey Boys would think this was the best thing ever! Your photos are so fabulous I felt like I was there. Thanks for the sharing your picnic fun!
I follow you around on Bloglovin!
I follow you on bloglovin.
Thanks for a lovely giveaway!
Your quilt is gorgeous! Wow!! You also have a beautiful spot for a picnic!
I follow through gfc!
I really love the checker board quilt a definite must do. And listening to Miranda Lambert was a great added bonus! Thanks for all the inspiration!
I began following by email. Thanks again!
What a clever idea to make a quilt into a checker board! Thanks for sharing it!
Love the checker board idea, will have to make one of these. Thanks for sharing and the Giveaway Susie x
Your checkerboard quilt is a fabulous idea and I love the laminate you picked for the backing.
I am a follower. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Life in the scrapatch looks pretty good. That's so cool that you could go to the basket factory. Your quilt is so fun, both sides!
The personal sized basket is adorable! Thanks for sharing.
I just signed up to follow via email...
I have been a follower for quite a while. I love, love your quilt. I think I am going to have to work on another. Your picnic sounds like so much fun. Great job. Thank you so much for being part of this great hop.
Pat, your quilt turned out so beautifully! Will you be making your daughter and son-in-laws version with the same fabrics or pick something else out? Lovely spot for a picnic at the park or right there at home. I wish we had rhubarb here in the south as I have been known to bring some back from IL on visits, that and asparagus from my parents garden. Your pie looks yummy!
THX for the giveaway opportunity. Sweet of you and Shannon to offer this.
I also love picnics. I used to take the kids to the park all day and pack a picnic basket for lunch and snacks. I also love your two sided quilt and if I am lucky enough to win I think I will be getting the same fabrics and making the same quilt for our family. Thanks for the opportunity. My email is
Thanks for the tutorial! You and your hubby are both very talented!
This is just the cutest darn thing... What a fun way to have a picnic and entertain yourself too!
I love love love it, and can't wait to make one myself! (wonder if I could get moose shape checkers) LOL!!
I love your quilt - especially the checker board centre!
Follower !
I need to read up on laminates and make my daughter and her children (2 y/o triplets) a picnic blanket.
Love the pie, love the quilt, love the checkers, love the fabric, I think I'm going to make one too! Now all I need is the tutorial...
I follow you via bloglovin
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Pat your checker board quilt is so darling. I just love all those bright cheery colors.
How cool of Hubby to make those cute checkers.
I just love picnics too.
Pat, I started following you from Q&N, has been several years now.
Love reading your blog.
would love to win and i am a follower
This is such a beautiful quilt and kudos to your husband for those adorable checkers! Love the colors!
BillieBee (billiemick) has left a new comment on your post "A Taste of Spring ~ Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie":
Oh..........yummy. Your pie looks pretty as well.
LOVE rhubarb pie! A great quilt, I have seen double use quilts, but yours is a triple user, very cool.
Your picnic quilt is perfect. I have my mouth watering for some of that rhubarb pie.
I follow with GFC. Thanks.
Loved everything in your Post!! the Quilt, the Baskets, Pie & Bread...ready for a Picnic here now!!! lol
I'm a Follower too!! Looove your Blog! :)
That is certainly the perfect quilt with the checkerboard added for lazy afternoons in the shade! I love the fabrics that you chose to make it all come together so nicely. And what fun to tour the basket factory. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
And I'm a happy follower! Thanks so much!
Love the checkerboard and checkers! My grandson is just learning how to play checkers, this would be perfect. :)
Wow, LOVE your fun quilt, what a fun way to play on a picnic. I'm also a fan of rhubarb and am enjoying the season here in Michigan! :)
I follow your blog
I would have kept the quilt too and make another for the daughter, it is wonderful. And what a great hubby you have that works along with you to make things "just right". I like to play checkers too so wouldn't mind having this. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely quilt. I envy you going on picnics. I'd have an easier time pulling teeth than getting anyone in the family to go.
One of my now husband & my first dates was a picnic. He was sweet and brought a bunch of stuff that he didn't like (hummus, hard boiled eggs, etc.) because I had told him that I liked them. I think the only thing he ate were the strawberries!
Followed with Blogger / Google
That's it. Your quilt is the epitome of a picnic quilt. How absolutely delightful. The colors are so fun. I wondered what you were up to since you've been quiet. So I figured I'd better click you and check it out. You did it again.
Oh my what a lovely post! I am going to have to get some of the laminate fabric for a picnic quilt now! thank you !
I am a new follower on Bloglovn!!
What a perfect picnic quilt! I love the colors, the laminated backing and of course the built in game (it could even be chess). Thanks for the opportunity! notwendy at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via Bloglovin'. Thanks again! notwendy at gmail dot com
It's so great that you got to actually visit the Peterboro Basket Company in person! I would love to check out their outlet store... your quilt turned out fabulous, and it's always nice when something is multifaceted the way your quilt is. I love the rainbow chevrons! Thank you for sharing your picnic!
Pat, what a perfectly wonderful picnic!! Everything about the setting on that beautiful riverside, your beautiful back yard, Charlie's gorgeous loaf of bread, your mouth-watering strawberry-rhubarb pie, the pretty prints and adorable pattern for your quilt with the gameboard center. Oh, can I come join you on a picnic? And how fun to be able to head over to the Peterboro Basket Co! Thanks for letting us join you today, and I can't wait for the tutorial of your quilt.
I'm a happy follower on Google friend connect.
Love your quilt! So fun with the checkerboard in the middle. Thanks for the giveaway :)
I just started following you. I see some great tutorials on your blog. And thank you for sharing your pie recipe. I just made a strawberry rhubarb pie last night and it came out all runny. I'm going to try yours because you use cornstarch instead of flour. I added a bit of cornstarch to mine but it didn't thicken it enough. You also use more strawberries and less sugar than mine. I like that!
Checkerboard quilt.....perfect! I am so in awe of everyones ideas for quilts on this hop. Looks like you had a fabulous day.
Love your quilt! The laminated fabric sounds like a great thing.
What a great picnic quilt. My picnic quilts has a checkerboard in it too but mine isn't quite that big. Come check it out on Monday, my day to hop. Had one heck of a time trying to figure out what to use for checkers tho. I love your wooden ones.
Oh, I forgot, I follow you with bloglovin.
Your quilt is beautiful, I love the fabrics you chose. I am jealous of where you live, would love to visit that part of our country someday!
I follow via GFC!
Love the checkers quilt. I need to try a strawberry rubarb pie!
Follow via GFC.
I never thought to back a traditional quilt with laminated fabric - such a great idea! I've been planning on making a picnic rug and this might be just the way to do it!
followng on gfc
very great quilt. love the idea of the checkerboard.
What a beautiful quilt, I love that you can not only enjoy it for your picnic, but also play a game on it. I think I just got an idea for my daughter and her husband, they love to do picnics and play checkers :) thanks for sharing your day with us
I follow you on bloglovin
I follow via bloglovin.
What an extraordinary picnic quilt!!!! Thank you for sharing the pattern with all of us!
Perfect! Love how you have a game to play after you get done eating.
Very very clever! So functional and yet so fun…thanks for sharing. You did a great job, and so original.
I love your cleverly designed, dual purpose quilt! Great idea. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com
love your quilt! can't wait for the tut!!!! I am jealous both you an your hubby can make bread. I make hockey puks. Loved everything about your blog today! thanks for sharing....
Home made bread and fresh rhubarb pie! With that meal, I'd think I was in heaven! Love your picnic cloth, too.
I've signed up to follow via email.
What a fabulous picnic quilt and so very creative making the center a checkerboard! Brilliant idea Pat. Homemade bread and rhubarb pie? Count me in!
I follow via GFC.
I like the how you incorporated the checker game in the quilt. Cool idea :)
Honestly and truthfully, I LOVE your picnic quilt. I especially love the checkers game on it. I love the colors too. I subscribed to your blog finally, after seeing so many of your projects on blog hops. I don't know what took me so long.
Absolutely delightful!! You really raised the bar with this beauty. I loved the tutorial on your next post, too. I've bookmarked it for a later project. Thanks so much for taking the time to put together such an awesome project/post/tute!!
I love your quilt. Wish I lived close enough to check out the baskets. Another of my favorites.
that is such a brilliant idea! a picnic blanket and game board in one.
I just made a checkerboard for my grands to take camping but I love how you have expanded it into a whole picnic blanket!
I like the idea of a picnic blanket that doubles as a game board. Nicely done.
what a versatile quilt! not only can you sit on it, eat off it, put it on a table but play checkers too! thank you so much for sharing. babscorbitt at gmail dot com
i was so impressed with your quilt that i just had to become a follower via email.
Love your quilt and sounds like you had a nice picnic!!
I would have loved to crash your picnic !!! What a beauty Pat and clever. I love the fabrics and your design. I can't beat my husband at checkers. Your move! hehe
Well sure I follow you, your one of my favorite people !
This checkerboard quilt is just too cute! I am definitely going to have to make one of these! Thank you for sharing,
I follow by Google.
This checkerboard quilt is just too cute! I am definitely going to have to make one of these! Thank you for sharing,
Love the wooden disks. My husband is involved with my quilt making as well. Thanks for the giveaway.
Such a cute quilt for playing games and having a picnic on!
I receive your emails.
The colors and design of your picnic quilt are delightful! Actually, your whole post is delightful! Thanks for the picnic ideas and the lovely photos.
I follow your lovely blog via Bloglovin. Thanks for the inspiration!
Love your picnic blanket design and your trip looks like fun to visit the basket factory.
I follow via bloglovin.
Hi Pat I love your picnic quilt it is wonderful and so ingenious , I wonder if there is a way I could adapt it for Jonah he would love it. I especially like the Cheveron Laminated backing you need to do a book your patterns are so easy to follow. Hugs Sandra
Love the checkerboard, what a cute idea!
Love the quilt and so fun with checkers
follow on bloglovin
I love your idea to have a checkerboard in your quilt.
bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender
I love this quilt! My fabrics are picked out and ready to cut, thanks for the sharing and the tutorial!
I follow by GFC. I know this is a picnic quilt but I think it would make a great christmas gift for the grandkids.
Love your real checkerboard idea - perfect for a picnic quilt.
HI, thanks for your Blog, the neat Picnic Quilt+ sharing a neat giveaway too!
Thanks to you+Fabrics N Quilts!
Love the picnic quilt. Sew much fun with the checker board and checkers in center. The perfect picnic the way you two are prepared for everything. Thanks for sharing and the fabric is so picnicky.
katztoo at exede dot net
Love you blog. You are so much fun and sharing. I follow on Pinterest. So many yummy boards. Also follow Bloglovin and email. Thanks for the giveaway.
katxtoo at exede dot net
What a cute quilt Pat and your strawberry rhubarb pie sure looks good!!
What a great idea to make a checkerboard on your quilt! I saw once a similar game board on a beach towel. The colours are also good choice, and I'm realky happy you even share the pattern. Thank you very much!
... and I am your happy follower via Bloglovin. Hugs from Hungary!
Great idea to have a quilt that has several functions and it is so darn cute.
thelady at
I follow you through email.
thelady at
I love the fabrics you used in your picnic quilt! And your new baskets are fabulous.
I am in love with your quilt, it's perfect! I really need to make one, it would be great especially with comfort and games at the same time! Thanks
I follow your blog by bloglovin! Thanks
So fun! What a great idea!
What a cool idea! And the zigzags are so bright and summery, love it.
Love the look of that pie. If I win, you can have the gift certificate if you'll send me the pie. Overnight delivery with special handling (this side up) should work. ;o)
I'm one of your google friends.
I love your checkerboard quilt! Cute!
I'm not big into checkers, but I love the laminated back on this picnic quilt!
Oh my, I really need the tutorial/pattern for the checker board quilt. My granddaughter and I play all the time. She would think that is so fun. She is 11, she still thinks I'm neat. Thanks for the great giveaway. Have a great day.
I follow you on pintrest, and bloglovin.
Have a great day
This is the best idea for a picnic blanket! Checkers is such a fun, sweet game and perfect while enjoying a special outing. I'm doing catch up so have already seen your free tut for the blanket - thank you so much. I will tell you that I'm in love with the idea of the picnic placemats; a great way to have plates and silverware ready for the meal!
I've been following you for quite some time. I follow via GFC and Feedly. I used to use Google Reader.
A very pretty and fun picnic quilt!
Oh, I forgot to tell you thank you for your experiment with washing the laminate. I've been wondering about that and was glad to see how things turned out. Maybe using gentle was key and also hanging up to dry.
Love this quilt. (I would have to keep it also.) Beautiful fabric. Thanks.
Also, I follow you on Pinterest.
Beautiful quilt. And nice picnic, looks like a great time. I love the CHeckers idea.
"I love your picnic post and the is also great you accept emails.....I never get to enter draws"
... comment via email from Debbieann. Thanks, Debbieann! ... :)
A great post. I wish I lived close enough to visit the basket outlet. I can always use more baskets! Great picnic quilt with some great ideas of how to use it. Thanks for the opportunity to win a nice prize.
Wow. What a lovely quilt. The colors just make me want to have some serious Fun In The Sun!
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