Here is my "Yeah, Eights" quilt top!
I am calling this quilt "April Flowers"
I have really enjoyed sewing this pattern.
I sewed this quilt for the
For instructions on how to make this block,
go to Carla's original tutorial ...

Block 18 - Yeah, Eights
This is the layout I used, four blocks by six blocks.
Strip piecing this block pattern made it very easy to quick sew
the 24 blocks needed for this quilt.
This made a 46" by 66" quilt,
a good toddler or lap size quilt.
I used these Riley Blake fabrics from my stash to make the basic top.
First I cut
TWO 3" by WOF strips of each of four colors.
EIGHT 3" by WOF strips of background fabric
I cut 3" strips and used an easy strip pieced method,
pairing the eight bright strips with the background strips.
Then I pressed to nest and paired the strip sets.
Then Maestro, who was very helpful while the making of this quilt,
and I cut 3" strip pieced units.
I chain pieced these units to make the center of the blocks.
Then I cut TWELVE 3" background strips and
cut them into 48 rectangles 10.5" x 3"
and sewed them on either side of the center units.
Then I laid out my blocks,
four blocks across and six blocks down.
Although I liked the color play,
the top was a little more low-volume
than I expected ...
what to do ???
I was seeing "April Showers" on gray pavement
and my grand-darling splashing in the puddles in this top ...
... so my mind went to "May Flowers"
so ...
I pulled out my Orange Peel Template Set and some Heat n Bond
and selected the 5" template to make petals and leaves.
Machine Appliqued
I really like how the flowers made the background colors pop!
When it came time to quilt, the girls were very helpful.
We chose a puffy batting, outlined the flowers
and stitched in the ditch along the square lines.
This gave it a "puff quilt" effect.
I decided on a girly forest animal print for the backing fabric
and added a pink ruffle binding.
For photos and info on my method for this type of ruffled binding,
here is a link to a previous post ...
Ruffle Binding - Read More Here
I also added ribbon tabs to hang small toys for little fingers.
This quilt will make a fun floor quilt for a baby
or a bed quilt for a toddler.
That is ... if Maestro will give it up.
I really like this quick to sew pattern and think it is very versatile.
Note: Sewing this layout with pre-cut 2.5" strips:
Using jelly rolls would make this pattern even easier.
2.5" strips would make the blocks 8.25" unfinished, using a scant 1/4" seam
and would make a 39" by 55" quilt.
Carla @ Creatin' in the Sticks
for more quilts and chances to win.
Thank you, Carla, for this pattern and including me in this fun blog hop.
Happy blog hopping!