Thursday, October 25, 2018

Peek-A-Who? Blog Hop ~ My Day!

Here is my Bewitching Pillow Cover!

It is Wickedly Reversible! 

I made this pillow for the 

Peek-A-Who? Blog Hop

Here are the pieces to my pillow  ...

 a framed pinwheel block that was a leftover from making the quilt.
and a piece of a panel from my stash plus some stash strips,
extra binding fabric, a 20" pillow form,
and my snap pliers,

Most of these fabrics are from
Deb Strain for Moda Fabrics
Some are Eerily Elegant and some are Bewitching.
I love her fabrics, particularly her Halloween designs.

I am not going to do a tutorial for this pillow.
It is basically framed blocks.

I am going to show the details that make this pillow 
sew very special.

I added batting and quilted a free form spider web
on the pillow top before I added the border strips.
This was in part to practice the spider web before I quilted the quilt.
This made for a very nice puffy pillow front.

To make an opening for inserting the pillow form I used my Dritz Snap Plier
and bright orange plastic snaps.  I use a
 Babyville Boutique Snap Pliers and plastic snaps

This is very easy to do,
even if you have a bandaid on your right index finger
from breaking off your machine needle into your finger.

Ouchie!  all these years of sewing and I was dumb enough to somehow
put my finger under the needle late one night.
I yanked my hand back so hard that I broke the needle off in my finger
and had to use tweezers to pull it out.
With lots of antibiotic cream, it is healing rather well.
Back to sewing ...

To make the pillow I sandwiched the top and back,
right sides out and added binding as I would for any quilt.
I used the extra two-color binding strips that
I used to make the flanged machine binding on the quilt.

Tutorial for how I make my two-color binding Here

First I sewed it to the back of the pillow.

Then I turned the flanged binding to the front
and added piping by inserting cotton clothesline rope
into the binding.

Then I stitched it closed with my zipper foot.

This makes a crisp pillow edge.

Pretty and easy to remove for cleaning with the snap opening.

This large pillow cover measures 20" square.

The fabrics for the top of my pillow are

Bewitching and may be found HERE

I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog today.

Be sure to peek into all the stops on today's
Peek A Who? Blog Hop 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Life in the Scrapatch((you are here) 

Here are the  Giveaways 
for this blog hop ... 

A lovely Gift Certificate
from the always generous

Fat Quarter Shop

Enter Here:


This beautiful blue ...

Bundle of Fabrics from 
 Timeless Treasures

It's value is $60.00! 

Enter Here: 


Timeless Treasures giveaway has pictures of the bundle of fabrics. It's value is $60.00.

Best of luck with the winning! 

Thank you for visiting me today.

This pillow was made to match the quilt in the background.
I am sorry I cannot show you the quilt, yet.
That quilt was made for a quilt along 
that has been rescheduled by the host site.

I hope to show this quilt soon, even if it is after Halloween.

Before you go please be sure to visit,

Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

for a special treat, a free pattern!

Happy Quilty Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Happy Halloween Quiltyness!

This is one of my most popular blog hop posts ... 

I am reposting this today along with the list for today's fun

This Halloween Hop and Giveaways are hosted by

Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

Be sure to enter to win all the treats!

A lovely Gift Certificate
from the always generous
Enter Here:


This beautiful blue ...

Bundle of Fabrics from 
 Timeless Treasures

It's value is $60.00! 

Enter Here: 

Timeless Treasures giveaway has pictures of the bundle of fabrics. It's value is $60.00. 

And be sure to visit 

  Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

each day for a Free Pattern!  

Best of luck with the winning! 

Please come back tomorrow for my Peek-A-Who blog hop project. 

Happy Blog Hopping! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Summer's End 2018

My quilty kitty helper and I are quilting our

This is for a quiltalong which has been delayed by our host site
which had originally been scheduled for today.

Good Things Are Always Worth Waiting For

I have always found this to be very true.

The weather here has turned much cooler
and we had our first frost locally last night.

Most of our flowers are somewhat sheltered by trees so they are still green
and the hardy autumnal mums are in full bloom.

Fall is a good time for quilting. 

Hope to show you this one soon! 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Peek-A-Who? Blog Hop Starts Today!


This Halloween Hop and Giveaways are hosted by

Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

Be sure to enter to win all the treats!

A lovely Gift Certificate
from the always generous

Fat Quarter Shop 

Enter Here:



This beautiful blue ...

Bundle of Fabrics from 
 Timeless Treasures

It's value is $60.00! 

Enter Here: 

Timeless Treasures giveaway has pictures of the bundle of fabrics. It's value is $60.00. 

And be sure to visit 

Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

each day for a Free Pattern!  

Best of luck with the winning! 

Happy Blog Hopping! 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Lovely & Lacey

I love these lovely fabrics! 

I am adding this lovely lace.

I am sewing a project that will on my blog soon.

Looking forward to showing you more!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Bubble ... bubble ...

... toil and trouble.

My Bewitching quilt has long been done but
my post has been delayed. 

(per scheduling needs of the host site)

Hope to be bewitching you soon!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Berry Nice!

The pieces to the puzzle of my

I am loving these crisp and colorful Blueberry Park fabrics.

These blocks chain piece together very quickly ...
my favorite kind of blocks! 

What are you sewing today? 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Trick or Treat Arrived Early ...

... and it is all treats! 

I was the lucky winner of the Facebook Giveaway 

Thank you, Bernie

For more fabric treats,
check out the 
October Designer Bundle

and check out the

Free Autumnal Star Block Tutorial @ Persimmon Dreams

and the  October Giveaway

These are sew wonderful! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Last Quilt of Summer

No fabric collection says summer to me
quite like the bright colors and crisp white of 

Sewing with these late at night in autumn
with a balmy breeze blowing in the window 
of my sewing room  
is like a midsummer night's summer dream.  

The last quilt of summer is coming soon to my blog ... :-) 

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Who Loves Giveaways?

I love giveaways!

If you do, too, do not miss

Easy to enter

No Purchase Necessary! 

Far Quarter Shop is always the most generous,
but this time they have outdone themselves. 

All participants need to do is fill out a short survey 
through the FQS blog or the Google Form 
so there is no social media required to participate. 
15 winners! 
after the giveaway closes on October 26th ...

All participants will receive a 10% OFF coupon, to FQS
just for filling out the form.

Best of Luck to all! 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Got To Love Apple Season in New England!

Hot Apple Crisp for dessert tonight!

Apple anything is my hubby's dessert of choice,
but this deep dish crumb topped crisp is his favorite ... 

... with a big dollop of whipped cream on the top. 

Our favorite baking apples are Cortlands from our favorite orchard,

This is a very easy recipe.

My hubby does not like raisins or oatmeal of nuts in his crisp.

Just lots of apples and cinnamon with a crunchy crumb crust.

It is essentially a deep dish apple crumb pie without the bottom crust.

My Apple Crisp Recipe

(makes a deep dish pie or 2 quart casserole dish) 
Set oven to 375 degrees F
Butter dish.

Make topping:

1 cup flour
1 cup packed light brown sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 stock butter, softened

Mix dry ingredients together
and then work in soft butter with your fingers to
form small crumbs.

Set aside.

Make Filling: 

10-12 large firm apples cut into small wedges
juice of 1 medium lemon
3/4 -1 cup white sugar (to taste)
1/4 cup flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon

Mix together and pour into dish.
Pack down apples.

Cover with crumb mixture,
packing down lightly.

Bake 45-60 minutes or until apples are easily pierced by small knife in center.

Cover top of crisp loosely with a sheet of foil to prevent too much browning 
for the few minutes of baking.

Crisp is done when it starts bubbling at the sides and apples are soft.
Top should be light golden brown and crunchy.

Serve hot with ice cream or whipped cream.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Something Wicked This Way is Coming!

I have Something Wicked to show you .... soon!

Wish I could show you sooner.

Shall maybe be have to be later.

My black cat says,  "No Peeking!" 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Getting Ready to Share the Season!

has become one of my favorite annual traditions.

Good food, good friends, good quilts ... some of my favorite things.

This fun event is hosted by

It is never too soon to think about all the goodies
 to make and share for the fall and winter season.

to join in the fun!