Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 43


Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 43

I have completed the stitching October Cross Stitch Along!

I have pulled fabrics and have a plan

 for how I want to finish and display this next October.  

I completed the stitching on last block late on Halloween night.

 I have been enjoying this for a few days while I have decided that a few on my stitches need to be fixed before finishing. There is a letter in "Brew" that somehow got messed up while I was working on this that needs replacing. I have also decided that the colored lettering on my Monster Mash improv block needs to be in black like the rest of the lettering. I was trying to add a little color.  I am thinking of outlining the mummy and the skeleton to make them stand out better. This was the last block finished on Sunday night and my eyes were tired.

I loved participating in this SAL which was hosted by 

Pine Needles

The free daily patterns have gone *poof*

 as they will soon become a pattern for purchase.

Last year the steps to this Christmas Stitch Along 

were also free daily blocks and I saved them. 

 I did not have time to stitch this last year.

This year I am thinking to start it now in November

 in hopes I get it done before Christmas.

I have the floss pack and aida in my stash.

I am trying to decide which aida to use.

They are all 11 count:

Choice A : Zweigart  solid Ivory

Choice B:  hand dyed Antiqued

Choice C: hand dyed seafoam green 

I purchased the hand dyes online @ Garibaldi's Needleworks

The Misty Grey in my October Cross Stich is also hand dyed 11 count aida from Garibald's.   I like the soft feel of this cloth.

Which color aida cloth would you choose?

What are you working on this week?

Please share! 


Gretchen Weaver said...

The Halloween stitchery turned out very nice but I think the Christmas one looks awesome! I would use the ivory aida cloth for the Christmas one, happy stitching!

Mayte said...

Te ha quedado realmente maravilloso, y me parece estupendo que empieces ya con el nuevo, a mi me ha encantado, yo elegiria la Aida teñida, el de color azul lo veo mejor para el verano o primavera....

Mayte said...

Ahora mismo estoy tejiendo para hacer un calendario de adviento para un reto y tengo que hacer unas botas de Navidad para otro reto¡¡¡

Linda said...

Your Halloween stitchery is wonderful! I had to outline a couple of things in black last year. They ended up looking just fine. I don't know which linen I would choose - I love them all but I might be just a wee bit partial to that seafoam green.

Nancy said...

Shoot I got busy with other things and missed the last few days.

Ulrikes Smaating said...

Hej Pat,
I love your Halloween Sampler, it is so cute and well stitched :0) Thank you for showing the steps in your blog, so I came over to Pine Needles....My sampler is also done, just a few stitches moire :0)so excited to see your christmas stitches...hugs from denmark, Ulrike :0)