Friday, March 31, 2017

30's Fabric Love!

POTC Block 2 Done!

Now to choose the layout for Block 3 ...

Layout 1

Layout 2

Layout 3

Layout 4

I have already started stitching the outer pairs together
while I decide on the center focus of the block.

I find sometimes I gain a new perspective if I post photos on my computer.

Opinions always welcome!

For this block I switched out some of the kit fabrics
and switched in some fabrics from my stash.

I love sorting through my stash to find a hidden gem of a fabric.

I am sew lucky to have this wonderful bounty of 10" squares.

These are from a fabric swap I ran a long time ago on a friendly forum ...

30's Layer Cake Fabric Swap 2010

In the end I got to keep this big beautiful stack!

I have very little 30's fabric in yardage,
but this is what I prefer
as I think a 30's quilt should always be scrappy
and made with bits and pieces swapped and shared with other quilters.

I did recently purchase the blue rick rack fabric,
originally in a layer cake of basics to supplement my prints,
but I love it so much I ordered a yard

It is from

Back Porch Basics by Wilmington Prints

Happy 30's Fabrics


Monday, March 27, 2017

Slow Stitch Sunday Into Monday

I am Slowly Stitching Block 2 for my 


It is a very rainy day here after a very sad day yesterday and
I need to keep my hands busy.

I started slow stitching this project 

This is my first completed block for the

I decided on this layout for my next block because it draws the eye to the corners
so my block designs will look varied in the quilt.

Linking up today with all the wonderful slow stitchers

Slow Sunday Stitching

Slow Stitching Sunday Link Up

Time to do some more slow stitching .

Thanks to all for their kind words and support 
as I go forward without my Butterfly kitty 
one stitch at a time.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sewing Red

It is red month at the

Rainbow Scrap Challenge 2017 @ So Scrappy

This started in January while I was waiting for my laser eye procedure.
so I am a very late start.

Better late than not at all.

So yesterday I gathered a handful of red strings ...

and started sewing ...

until I had these random size units.

The rest was a lot of improv piecing, cutting and squaring
to make different types of spool blocks.

This was fun!

I have had the idea of making a scrappy stringy thread spool quilt for some time.

The RSC has provided just the incentive I needed to get working on this project.

Linking Up with Scrap Happy Saturday

There is a lot of wonderful blocks and inspiration in the links.


Forever In Our Hearts


The Butterfly

2000 - 2017

Forever In Our Hearts


Friday, March 24, 2017

Improv QAL Play

Time to Play!

Block 1 :  Wonky Log Cabin

Elm Street Quilts

I am late starting but these blocks are sew fun and sew addicting
that I am already caught up with the

Improv QAL Play


Elm Street Quilts

Block 2: Triangles

Block 3: Stack, Cut, Sew

Block 4:  Wonky Geese

Block 5:  Wonky Stars

and my favorite block to make so far:

Block 6: Crumbs
Elm Street Quilts Tutorial Here

I was literally picking little pieces of cut fabric off the floor to sew into this block.

No fabric was wasted in the making of these blocks!

Linking up today with all the other quilts being improvised @

Improv QAL Play Linky Party

Hope to see you sewing along ...


# Improv   # Play   # Sew Fun

Quilt Quazy Queens Giveaway Winners

And the winner is ...

Wendy P.


3 Fat Quarters from the

and the winner is:

Melody L


and the winner is:

Nancy D


Terial Magic Fabric Stabilizer

from Terial Arts

and the winners are:

Nancy A. 
Monica R. 

Thanks to all who visited 
and left kind comments


Thursday, March 23, 2017

30's POTC BOM ~ Block 1 Done!

Block 1 is done!

This is for a 30's POTC BOM that I started Here

This also shows the background fabric I have chosen.

Since all the 30's fabrics will be scrappy,
I decided to go with a single background fabric that frames the blocks

This quilt is based on the historic quilt from

I found this book on Amazon written by Lucy's daughter-in-law.

It is not a pattern book.

I has a lot of photos and history of the The Manor.

It is a very interesting read about Lucy's life and quilts.

I like to read when I am not sewing.

I have the pieces ready to sew Block 2.

I just need to decide which of these layouts I like best:

Block 2 Layout 1

Block 2 Layout 2

I am having a tough time deciding
and am going to have to sleep on it.

:) Opinions welcome  :)

Sweet Quilty Dreams!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Quilt Quasy Queen Corner

The mug says,  "I am a Quilting Queen!

This mug was designed and made for me by my very talented daughter 
 ... before she ever knew I was going to be in this hop.
My Girl knows me well.

Those tiny purple triangles on the sides of the crown,
the yellow cross and teeny purple square
in the middle of the nine patch were all applied individually.
Wow!  Check out how those points match.
I think I will stick with quilting and let her make the mugs ... :)

My daughter has never caught the quilt bug but she is very creative
in many other ways and recently started designing
to make lovely shirts, mugs, and decorations for her home.
After friends started asking her to make decals for them she decided 
to venture into the Etsy world and has opened her own shop

Last year I participated in this hop and was looking forward to joining
 all my quasy quilty friends again for the

Quilt Quasy Queens Blog Hop 2017

So this year I am showcasing a mug rug for my favorite new mug.

Many of my blog hopping friends are giving glimpses of their beautiful sewing studios,
so I invite you to share my quilty corner today.

A few years back I had a quilty room all to myself.
Since then, one of our adult children has been staying with us
and I happily moved back to my old sewing corner in our dining room.

Here is a "before and after" QQQ Blog Hop 2017 photo ...

This "Before" photo was taken well over a year ago.
You see how drab the corner is right over the light?

For the "After" photo read on!

This room is shadowed by the house glimpsed out the window and gets some bright morning sun but is mostly shadowed and needs lots of supplemental lighting for me to sew.

My corner is quite cozy and quilty.

With a small design board and a comfy chair for sitting and stitching.

Not quite enough room for all my lovely stash of fabrics though, so ...

I kept my large storage closet in my old sewing room for my fabric.

Isn't it grand?

The front drawer units are on wheels to pull them out
to access the stationary ones in the back.
I have rolls of batting tucked in the sides
and a deep shelf on the top, too.
I <3 my stash closet.

For my project.
I asked my daughter if she could put her mug design on fabric
so I could sew a
Quilty Queen Banner.

For this project she used a heat transfer vinyl process to put her
Quilting Queen design on a square of fabric for me.

The other fabrics I used for the mug rug for my beautiful new mug came out of the closet.

Here are my projects!

I also made a mug rug and a small coaster.

For my banner I designed a 9 Patch
star block that looked like the one on my block

For my free block tutorial for my
QQQ Star Block Click Here

This is my quilty corner today in the morning sun.

My hubby hung a peg board so I could move my thread cones.

My new Quilting Queen banner really brightens my corner!

I am in my comfy chair today and working on my first

30's POTC BOM Block

I am enjoying my morning mug of coffee and
I am using the new glue basting and flat back stitch method.
This is working well for me.

Flash Forward:

It has been a busy day here
It is almost midnight here and my post will be going up soon!

Katniss and I are still working on finishing the POTC block tonight.

Detail work at this hour is only made possible for me with the help of
 my Daylight Craft Lamps
that my sons and hubby bought for me as a gift a few years back from

I love these lamps!

The floor lamp is heavy duty and on rollers so I can move it to where I need it.

I also have a desk model over my sewing machine
that I use day or night.

Another necessary tool for me is my
Clover Desk Needle Threader
that my hubby added a wooden base to for me.

Of course, I also need my quilty kitty helper to stay up with me and
keep me company while I stitch.

I hope you have enjoyed your look at a day in my scrapatch.

Giveaway Time!

Follow the Rafflecopter instructions to enter ...

Giveaway #1
Seams To Be Sew

Terial Magic Fabric Stabilizer

from Terial Arts

Please note that the recipient needs to pay the postage to 
Marian @ Seams To be Sew to receive this gift.
Please click on the link to Marian's Blog for all details


Giveaway # 2
Seams To be Sew

3 Fat Quarters from the
Northcott "On The Green" Fabric Collection FQs

Postage will be paid by Northcott, International included.


Giveaway # 3
 Seams To be Sew

Postage will be paid by Aurifil, International Included. 


Giveaway # 4
Life In The Scrapatch

"Quilting Queen" heat transfer vinyl 
on Kona Bleached White
9" square


for you to make your own "Quilting Queen" 
banner ... or pillow ... or other project.

from The Vinyl Forrest

(Postage will be paid by The Vinyl Forrest, International included.)

I kept my lovely new mug next to my computer as I typed this post.

Of course, Katniss was curious about the new mug n rug.

Katniss is in constant motion.

My favorite mug is now tucked back into corner where it may be a little more Katniss proof.

My mug rugs need be very washable.

Too often Katniss stirs and spills my coffee with her tail. 

I hope you enjoyed visiting me as much as I enjoyed showing off my quilty fun.

Thank you for visiting today!

Be sure to hop on over to all my quasy quilt friends today:

March 22

for more giveaways and special gifts and discounts!

Happy Sewing!

Thanks to  Marian @ Seams To Be Sew  for organizing this fun hop!