Friday, March 30, 2018

30 Quilt Blocks in 30 Days Blog Hop Starts April 1st!


for all the info

and to see her gorgeous quilt!

Here is the complete schedule: 

Project Designer

April 1st

Block 1- 4 Patch
April 2nd

Block 2 - Double Stuffed
April 3rd

April 4th
Block 4 - Dutch Door

April 5th

April 6th
Block 6 - Tacked Up

April 7th
Block 7 - Stripper

April 8th
Block 8 - Staggered

April 9th
Block 9 - Topsy Turvy

April 10th
Block 10 - Chunky Pinwheel

April 11th
Block 11 - Painted WIndow

April 12th
Block 12 - Broken Cinder Block

April 13th
Block 13 - Reaction

April 14th
Block 14 - Median Strip

April 15th
Block 15 - Center of Attention

April 16th

Block 16 - Bounce
April 17th

Block 17 - Sweet Sixteen
April 18th

Block 18 - Yeah Eights
April 19th

Block 19 - Weave
April 20th

Block 20 - Classic
April 21st

Block 21 - Spot
April 22nd

Block 22 - Cross Walk
April 23rd

Block 23 - Opposites Attract
April 24th

Block 24 - Possibility
April 25th

Block 25 - Camper Window
April 26th

Block 26 - Catching Z's
April 27th

Block 27 - Broken Stripes
April 28th

Block 28 - Stockade
April 29th

Block 29 - Dovetail
April 30th

Looking forward to visiting all the stops in the hop! 

Block 30 - Slow Tee

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

My New (Old) Machine!

Meet Minnie!

My New (Old) Machine!

Minnie  is a wonderful vintage Singer Featherweight. 

This is a 1951 Centennial machine, 221 model, 
manufactured in 1950 according to the serial number.

Included with the machine was the original case, foot control, 
accessories and original manual.

The gold decals are perfect
and the the top coat has only a few minor scratches from use. 
A little dust from the case cleaned right off with a soft cloth.

After a few drops of oil, 
she stitches like a dream!

I have wanted a vintage Featherweight for a long time.

I learned to sew on an old Singer.

I had never used a Featherweight before, but as she is a Singer, 
she feels like an old (new) friend.

We plan to make many quilts together ... :) 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Remembering My Butterfly

🦋 The Butterfly 
Forever In Our Hearts
July 2000 - March 26, 2017

It has been a year, my beautiful Butterfly.
I miss you everyday.
You have a special place in my heart.

Celebrating my Quilty Kitty today in photos ...

Butterfly, Born To Be Wild






Always There For Me


Very Helpful

Very, Very helpful.

Always Helpful. 

Full of Life, Full of Love

My Master Quilt Tester

Butterfly Loved My Quilts

Always Ready with a Kitty Smile

My Quilty Vanna White

Butterfly and My Daughter's Wedding Quilts.

Butterfly was My Girl's Baby Kitty,
adopted at the Humane Society as a kitten.
My Girl wisely left her senior kitty here in her forever home
when she married and moved away
because she knew her kitty would be happier here.
Butterfly and I bonded while missing Our Girl.

Our Favorite Quilt

My Quilty Cuddly Kitty 

The last photo of her.
After I put down the camera I just held her outstretched paw.

I love you, Butterfly.


Sunday, March 25, 2018

Clementine Charity Quiltalong ~ Block 3

Block 3 ~  Peaches and Plenty

Peaches & Plenty Block Pattern Here

for the

Click on this link for all the free patterns for this quilt
and donate to the FQS St Jude Charity initiative.

This has been my favorite block to make so far.

In part because I have a new ruler ...

I received this ruler in my 

In the past I have used a skinny ruler 
which was  much harder to hold securly and safely.

As you can see the new trimmer is so much easier to use!

This "cutting corners" method helps me to piece more quickly and accurately.

I liked it so much I also bought the
8" Simple Folded Corners Ruler
for larger units.

Here are both the large and small 

I love this quilt in the making!

Thank you, Fat Quarter Shop !

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Getting Ready to Make that 1st Cut

The fabric plan.

Getting ready to cut.

Still the toughest part of the quilting process
after all these years for me.

Making that first cut into that beautiful fabric.

Wanting to do right by that gorgeous color and design.

Do you feel that way, too?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Christmas Is Coming!

Sign Ups Open!

This hop is being organized by the lovely

Hope to see you joining in the fun!

It is not too soon to think about all those 
Christmas Quiltings
you want to make ...

New Fabric ~ New Project

Now what could I be making with these fabulous

fabrics ??

You will have to wait and see,

hee -hee  .... ;) 

I am sew happy!  

Aurifil Winner:
Sharon A.

announced @ 

Day 4 of QQQ Blog Hop

Here are today's entries for the 
Fat Quarter Shop 
$150.00 Gift Certificate

Enjoy all of today's projects!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Lady of The Lake Quilt Top Done!

The top is done for my  

Pattern and Video Tutorial for this quilt may be found

Here is a close up of the colors and fabrics

The lighting in my northern exposure living room does not do these fabrics justice.

I will try to take it outside when the sun shines for a better photo op.

I love how this has worked up.

The top now measures about 82" square
and I had planned to add plain blue borders
but the built in border with the sashing and setting triangles 
looks good to me. 

My UFO top is done,
but there are many more wonderful projects to see today
for the

Click on the link to visit them all!

The Aurifil Giveaway is not closed
Winner announced soon at the above link.

Fat Quarter Shop 
$150.00 Gift Certificate

has more chances to win today.


Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

for all today's giveaways and links.

Happy Blog Hopping! 

Friday, March 16, 2018

Quilt Quazy Queens Blog Hop

Unidentified Fabric Object!

"Mommy, we have a problem!"

announced that the theme for this year's

Quilt Quazy Queens Blog Hop 

was UFOs

I knew I had  (more than) a few of these objects in my orbit 
to be finished.

I picked one that I enjoyed working on last fall and
really want to see finished.

Lady of the Lake Quilt Along Quilt

I had finished all the blocks to make the quilt along quilt last September
and was a little concerned that the fabrics I chose,
although I love the bright colors and prints,
were too overwhelming
when placed side by side.

So my little quilty kitties and I put our heads together ...

... and decided to make sashing between the blocks
with this restful solid blue fabric.

It is Lake Blue from Kona solids.

Here it is in progress on my design wall.

I will be using this for the setting triangles and outer border, too.

Fortunately for me, kind Marian said that
we did not have to have this UFO finished.
Thank you, sweet Marian.

I am not finished as of this typing.

The view out my window today.

We have 2 feet of new snow out there.

Although there is a lot more damage in our yard,
we were blessed again not to lose power.

Digging out from this type of weather event is tiring
and time consuming.

I have been sewing ...

... but my UFO is still a UFO.

I decided to make a larger quilt so I sewed six more blocks.

This is quick and easy with the Triangles On a Roll papers.

This is my WIP yesterday on my design wall. 
I am still adding sashing and setting triangles and corners.

Nutmeg has been very helpful making this quilt,
with occasional cat naps. 

My quilty kitties and I hope to have this top done on Friday.

I will update this post with our progress .
I shall keep on sewing.

Please visit all the lovely Quilt Quazy Queens today ...

Friday, March 16, 2018


My Top is done! 

Thanks to all our wonderful sponsors
for these wonderful giveaways ... 

Fat Quarter Shop 
$150.00 Gift Certificate

Grunge Small Aurifil Thread Box 
Basic Grey 
Value $50.00

Best of lock with the winning thing !

Be sure to visit
for all you chances to win. 

May you and yours be safe and warm and quilty.

Enjoy the hop!