Tuesday, April 20, 2021

In The Kitchen Stitchin' Blog Hop ~ My Day

Welcome to my post for the 

I like to have a tea towel handy by my sink to dry my hands.
These cute tea towels are perfect for the task
and add a splash of color to my kitchen

Another place I like to have a handy towel is my stove.
The fold-over handles on these towels make them easy to hang 
anywhere I need a quick cloth to wipe my hands.

I made these pretty additions for my kitchen
with the following free pattern:

I did not cut a kitchen towel.
I used this lovely cotton 
and doubled the layers by sewing on three sides and turning and pressing. 
This cotton waffle fabric is my favorite for kitchen towels 
as it is absorbent and quick drying.
This fabric may be found  @ Fabric.com
I am not affiliated with these shops. 

The pattern called for a decorative button,
but I much prefer these quick and easy snaps.
I dressed up the simple snap with a yo-yo skirt.

On the weekend I was back at home and was able to make some more pretty new helpers for my kitchen.  All of these items easily were made in a day and a half.

I used my snap plier to make cloth towels on a roll
to fill the constant need of paper towels.

I used some inexpensive terry cloth in my stash
 and some pretty quilting cotton for my towels.

I made a couple of basic kitchen towels with the waffle terry 
and some striped woven tea toweling fabric.
Mr Scrapatch really liked these so I will be making more. 

To use up some of my smaller terry cloth scraps,
I made a few non-abrasive dish scrubbers 
by adding a square of shelf lining to one side.

These were mare very similar to this project from the past ...

The only difference is that layered terry cloth scraps with a square of easyliner and then I just straight-stitched the edges 
and trimmed the extra terry cloth around the raw edges. 

I hope your enjoyed stopping by my kitchen today.

Pease visit all the inspiring links from my blogging friends:

Thank you to

Carla @ Creatin' in the Sticks

for hosting this fun blog hop! 

It is good to be home. 

I have been missing my daily blog updates and visiting my blogging friends

while I have been away.

May you and yours be safe an well.

Happy Blog Hopping! 


Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Your projects are all amazing and lovely! Thanks for giving us so many good ideas for the kitchen.

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Wow, so many beautiful projects. The hanging tea towels look so handy.

Dorian said...

Great kitchen helps Pat. I've been looking for some good material for kitchen towels, I will have to try that waffle cone you use. Great idea for making 'paper' towels as well. Thanks for sharing, so glad you are back home.

tink's mom said...

Your opening picture is so inviting. Love all of your ideas so thanks for the links and explanations of components and construction (I really need to try those non abrasive scrubber's).

Stitchin At Home said...

Your projects are all beautiful! The waffle fabric is now on my radar to try.

Deonn said...

Hi, Pat! What a wonderful way to brighten up your kitchen! Such cute and practical projects. I have one of those snapplicators too, and didn't realize how handy it was going to be for so many things. Thanks for all your clever ideas. These would make great gifts.

Carol said...

Awesome projects--all very useful and really cute! I'm glad you talked about the waffle fabric. I'm going to get some.

scrapdash said...

Very pretty - and useful. I am trying not to use so many paper towels, this seems perfect.

Inflorescencedesigns said...

Wonderful projects! I especially love the towel roll. Thank you for sharing!

Annie said...

Your kitchen “helpers” are all fabulous. Hard workers and pretty at the same time. That waffle fabric does look as though it is a great choice for hand wiping and then drying quickly. I like the idea of a snap flap to attach the towel to a handle quickly. The yo-yo skirt is such a cute detail idea. I think I need to add that snap tool to my equipment list.

Lori Smanski said...

these are wonderful projects. thanks for sharing. i love the little pops of color also

Carol Swift said...

Oh my goodness, Pat, your kitchen must look amazing with all those beautiful towel items you made. I kept thinking I needed that snap tool, but hadn't bought it yet. It is now on my list to buy. Great idea to use the waffle fabric, too. Seriously, you shared some awesome ideas...thank you!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

You make the prettiest things, Pat! Love all these items for the kitchen. The cloth towels that replace paper are such a good idea! I'll have to try them.

grammajudyb said...

You’ve inspired me! I really need the towels that STAY on the oven door handle! And the snap instead of a button! Fabulous!

Calicojoan said...

Oh Pat, you sure have outdone yourself. What fun kitchen supplies you have created. I am very captivated by the paper towel ideas that are floating around. So much less expensive than paper products. I wish I had thought about that a year ago when you couldn't find things like that on the shelves.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

Those are wonderful projects for the kitchen! I have made some of those jar openers when I read about those somewhere else and she called them a "rubber husband", lol!!! They are all so handy.

Karrin Hurd said...

Love all your projects, what great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

Turid said...

So pretty and handy towels, especially those on a roll. But I love them all.

LJ said...

I did enjoy visiting your kitchen today. Thanks for all the great ideas. I loved your idea for the jar openers (Gosh, my hand strength is definitely dropping off as I age :(.) Love that waffle cloth for towels, too. Am going to visit those online stores for that cloth.

Sue D said...

Wonderful projects. I like all the fabrics you used.

Danice G said...

All great projects, and thank you for the tutorials and links.

Carmen M. said...

Such great ideas, Thank You!

Rebecca Smith said...

Thank you for including the tutorial for your towels. I need to replace some of mine!

Carla said...

Oh, wow, Pat! Look at all this kitchen goodness. You have the best ideas and I really am going to look further into a roll of towels. I remember your jar openers from long ago and will have to make some of those for sure. Thanks for Stitchin' for the Kitchen with us.

Sharon said...

What fun additions to your kitchen! Thank you for sharing.

Carol Andrews said...

Great kitchen ideas Pat. Thank you for sharing them all with us. 😉

Needled Mom said...

So many great and pretty ideas for the kitchen! The rolled towels are a fascinating idea.

Quilting Gail said...

Your kitchen towels are very nice! Great idea!!! And the rolled towels! What a neat way to save the environment! Thanks for sharing!

Quilting Gail said...

Your kitchen towels are very nice! Great idea!!! And the rolled towels! What a neat way to save the environment! Thanks for sharing!

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

So many great projects. Love the rolled towels. Now I am contemplating more towels and cutting back on paper towels.

Michelle said...

Neat idea for cloth rolled towels in place of paper towels.

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW many fabulous kitchen projects! Thanks for the links, Pat.

Susan said...

Nice projects, especially the roll of towels to replace paper. Great idea!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Very nice towels. Thanks for sharing!

KatieQ said...

I really like the cloth towel roll. I keep a basket of clean up towels under my kitchen sink, but the towel roll looks more convenient. The non-abrasive scrubbers look like something I need to make.