Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 13 ~#AtoZChallenge2021

 Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 12

Here is my uppercase F Block.

For April I am joining in this blogging fun:

#AtoZChallenge Started Here on April 1st

I am making one uppercase block per day.

Plans are to make a twin size quilt "I Spy A-Z Quilt"

using my novelty scrap stash.

For April I am posting a quilting related post each day, except Sundays.

F is Fabric ~ I love fabric!

I have a lovely large stash and I love every scrap of it.

My blog is an ongoing testimony to my fabric love.

F is for Fussy Cutting

Fussy Cutting is using a template or ruler to cut a particular motif out of fabric to create a focal point in a quilt block. 

All my POTC Blocks are Fussy Cut ~ Read Here

Here is a layout for these fussy cut pieces.

Wonderful blocks can me made when fussy cutting. 

F is for FPP

(Foundation Paper Piecing)

Foundation paper piecing in making quilts is done by sewing fabric to a printed paper foundation

This method can be used to create extremely precise points and shapes.

FPP Tutorial from Sherri @ Quilting Life

Click below for my FPP tutorial:

Foundation Paper Piecing ~ The Scrapatch Way

This block is also "fussy cut."

This is for my Ventura Quilt ~ Started Here

The fabrics in all these blocks are fussy cut,

... as are the blocks in my companion Trinket Quilt.

Sadly, both of these quilts are UFOs.

I was making good progress until I travelled on vacation and I never caught up.

I need to finish these beautiful starts ... hopefully this year!

I am making my upper case blocks with a jelly roll and yardage from the  ...

Spotted collection by Zen Chic for Mada Fabrics 

and my Spelling Bee book by Lori Holt.

It is looking like I will have enough of each jelly roll strip to also make the lower case block for each letter. 

I plan to use the charm pack for the scrappy I-Spy setting.


Click on the links below for more A to Z Fun: 

and the 

Thank you for visiting me! 

Before you go, please link up whatever sewing, stitching, quilting
 or crafting project that you are working on.
Please also visit the other links to see all the beautiful inspiration.
This linky party is open weekly from Wednesday to Tuesday. 


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely blocks! I like to fussy cut, for the runner scraps challenge hosted by Joy at The Joyful Quilter, I made a flamingos mug rug, so fun to make! And I love FPP too ;))

Bernie Kringel said...

Love looking at all of your fabrics. You have a nice eclectic collection - good taste, I would say!!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I enjoyed checking out your quilts and the links you had in this post!