Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 17

Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 17

Thanks to all who joined in the fun last week.

Life has been happening here in the Scrapatch.

I have been away from my computer.

I hope to be back to regular blogging soon.

I have not been stitching and sewing much
although I have put a few more stitches in an embroidery project 
that I started two years ago ...

My pretty kitties have been a wonderful comfort.

Here is Nutmeg helping me sit and stitch this damp spring morning.

Thank you to all who follow and visit 

and keep me company while I stitch and sew. 


Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Sweet bumble bee poem and stitching!

Carol Swift said...

I'm not so great at embroidery so it's fun to see the beauty in someone else's project. Your sweet little kitty looks quite content sitting next to you. Take care, Pat!

Sherrie said...

I love to embroider, it's one of my favorites..besides quilting that is.
I usually work some embroidery into my quilts. I like your Sweet Bumble Bee
project. Have a great day!