Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 16 ~ More Fabric Fun!


Welcome to Stitch Sew and Show ~ Week 16

I have been working on the hexagons and diamonds for 

My Kingfisher Quilt

when I have not been outside gardening and inside spring cleaning.

I found this fabric when I was cleaning.

This fabric line is Cottage Joy by Windham Fabrics

It is a 2018 line bShannon Christine

I have bits and pieces of this collection and maybe enough of this large print yardage for the backing on my quilt.  I am now wishing I had bought more whe I saw it as I am really loving the colors and designs.

I cut enough circles of this print for one hexagon flower for the front.

I have been choosing only yellow fabrics for my centers,

but could not resist making this beautiful bee the center of attention on this one.

I have been sitting and sewing these hexagons outside, weather permitting.

Much of my stitching and sewing has been inside this week 

as it has been raining or damp and cool and very windy.

On Saturday, it was  a lovely sunny spring day so I did get 

some pretty little pansies planted in my window boxes

and have been enjoying them as I hand sew in my kitchen with my back door open.

When I was spring cleaning, I also uncovered this bit of fabric.

It looks like pages and notes by a Victorian naturalist or explorer. 

I have only a fat quarter and I have had it maybe 10 years.

I have no idea what the fabric line is as there is no info on the selvage.

Anyone know what this fabric is?

I am now trying to figure what I might do with this fat quarter for the upcoming "Wild" Blog hop, although I have already have project designed and started in different fabrics for this blog hop. This fabric does not work within what I have in the works so it would have to be a new (and small) project.

What would you make with this fabric?

Thanks to all who join in this week's linky party fun! 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Fabric Play Day


Here in my progress on my version of the

Kingfisher Quilt @ Stitched in Color 

I have been enjoying the eye candy in the 


on Instagram and had this on my list for a long time.

I have had a stack of these  Hexagon Flowers in my sewing stash 

for a very, very long time ... since 2009.

I started this plan Here

These folded hexagon flowers are not EPP.

They were made from this tutorial: 

Tuna Can Hexagon Flowers by Cindy Prince @ Q&N

When I came across these folded hexagon flowers recently while I was spring cleaning, I decided to combine the two and drew up this plan.

I am machine appliqueing the hexagon flowers to the diamonds.

I am also machine stitching around the center hexagon. 

This project is a "Dreami" squirrel at the moment,

mostly because I sewed more Folded Hexagon Flowers 

while I was away sitting and stitching. 

If I can get myself to stop playing with these flowers and diamonds

I am going to try to catch up on my alphabet quilt blocks.

Ummm ... maybe tomorrow ... :) 

Hmmm ... maybe not ... :/

The weather is forecast for a good Saturday

 to work in the garden 

Time will tell.

Have a Happy Quilty Weekend! 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

I Like Thursday #93 ~ Uplifting


Welcome, Thursday Friends  <3

Our plum tree is budding,

It is a sunny and brisk spring day.

The forsythia is also enjoying the sun today.

although it is cold with a wind chill factor to 25 degrees F.

It has been a week of changeable weather.

Last week it was warm one day and the next day this happened.

We had about 6-8 inches of the white stuff before it stopped.

By Sunday is was gone.

Monday, Mr. Scrapatch took this photo when he came home from work at night.

I am on Day 16 of this 100 day email subscription feed from Jessica Swift.

Fittingly, today is "gratitude" and she lists 5 things.

I am grateful for;

1) My Family and all the people (and kitties) in my life,

2) My Home

3) My Health

4) My Happy Sewing Place

5) All of My Blessings

Subscribe to 100 Uplifting Days Here

Just before I went off to care for my loved one,

my neighbor gave me these beautiful sunflowers

as a thank you for helping her to sign up for her vaccine appointment.

They were still bright and beautiful when I got home.

It is good to be home.

I am stitching Hexagon Flowers to Diamonds.

I started cutting and sewing for my ...

I am really enjoying this making.

Since it is Thursday, I will be stopping by my friends,

I Like Thursday Bloggers @ Not Afraid of Color

whom I always find uplifting. 

Thanks for visiting with me .. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 15 ~ Hexagon Flowers Quilt


Welcome to Week 15 ~ Stitch Sew & Show

I have been getting back to my sew-at-home fun this week.

My first focus was my 

My Post for the In the Kitchen Stitchin' Blog Hop

I am looking forward to visiting all of today's links.

I love to make useful things from my stash

and there is sew much creativity. 

Click Here for the Full Schedule

I have also picked up and old project and made a plan.

While I was away I hand sewed more hexagon flowers using this 

"Not Your Grandmother's English Paper Piecing" method for making my hexies:

Tuna Can Hexagon Flowers by Cindy Prince @ Q&N

Cindy is a one of my first online quilty friends

When she posted this tutorial in 2009, I had never even considered EPP.

These easy folded hexagons are so relaxing to sew.

No papers. 

At some point I learned to EPP and put these aside.

I think I thought they were "not good enough." 

I know the EPP Quilt Police may not approve.

When I compare the ones I sewed using this folded method

 to the ones I have made with papers, 

I believe they are just "as good" if not better. 

I am now happily sewing more "Tuna Can Hexagon Flowers" 

and have fabrics and a plan for a quilt!

I have long admired the colorful quilts that I have seen in the 

Kingfisher Stitch-Along @ Stitched in Color 

and will be making my own version of this with my hexagon flowers. 

I am going to cut some diamonds today and start my quilt!

What are you working on today?

Please share in my linky party. 

Thanks to all who join in the fun! 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

In The Kitchen Stitchin' Blog Hop ~ My Day

Welcome to my post for the 

I like to have a tea towel handy by my sink to dry my hands.
These cute tea towels are perfect for the task
and add a splash of color to my kitchen

Another place I like to have a handy towel is my stove.
The fold-over handles on these towels make them easy to hang 
anywhere I need a quick cloth to wipe my hands.

I made these pretty additions for my kitchen
with the following free pattern:

I did not cut a kitchen towel.
I used this lovely cotton 
and doubled the layers by sewing on three sides and turning and pressing. 
This cotton waffle fabric is my favorite for kitchen towels 
as it is absorbent and quick drying.
This fabric may be found  @
I am not affiliated with these shops. 

The pattern called for a decorative button,
but I much prefer these quick and easy snaps.
I dressed up the simple snap with a yo-yo skirt.

On the weekend I was back at home and was able to make some more pretty new helpers for my kitchen.  All of these items easily were made in a day and a half.

I used my snap plier to make cloth towels on a roll
to fill the constant need of paper towels.

I used some inexpensive terry cloth in my stash
 and some pretty quilting cotton for my towels.

I made a couple of basic kitchen towels with the waffle terry 
and some striped woven tea toweling fabric.
Mr Scrapatch really liked these so I will be making more. 

To use up some of my smaller terry cloth scraps,
I made a few non-abrasive dish scrubbers 
by adding a square of shelf lining to one side.

These were mare very similar to this project from the past ...

The only difference is that layered terry cloth scraps with a square of easyliner and then I just straight-stitched the edges 
and trimmed the extra terry cloth around the raw edges. 

I hope your enjoyed stopping by my kitchen today.

Pease visit all the inspiring links from my blogging friends:

Thank you to

Carla @ Creatin' in the Sticks

for hosting this fun blog hop! 

It is good to be home. 

I have been missing my daily blog updates and visiting my blogging friends

while I have been away.

May you and yours be safe an well.

Happy Blog Hopping!