Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Cat on the Lap Crochet ~ Kitty Inspecting and Testing In Progress

Maestro Crochets

 Maestro, who is a very cuddly and affectionate cat

...  but not an actual lap cat ... 

says  "My Turn!

Maestro, who will sit on the cat tree or the sofa next to me while I crochet 

or patiently wait on the bed for me to bring the afghan to her,

must have been feeling a little left out.

As soon as I spread out my WIP on the bed, 

Maestro jumped in to help and check my work ...

and cut my yarn for me. 

Of course, Nutmeg had to also jump up to add her 

help and inspection.

The cats seem to be trying to tell me that either:

(1) this afghan in done as far as their needs are met


(2) I need to crochet faster.

My afghan now measures about 62" square with the borders in progress.

I intend to add a few more rounds of the outer border stitch ... 

as soon as the cats get off of it and let me.



Vroomans' Quilts said...

Love the colors and all the little designs and textures.

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

So do you have a favorite block? Was there a block that you hated? I think your afghan is lovely, the colors are awesome and your inspectors are pawsatively awesome.