Thursday, September 14, 2023

I Like Thursday # 170 ~ September Flowers

 Happy Thursday!

The sun is shining and the sky is blue!

"It feels like years since it's been here."

Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison, Abbey Road, 1969

Today is a brief respite from the unrelenting rain and storms

 we have experienced this summer. 

A few days ago a city a few miles west of us experienced very damaging flash flooding during what seemed like just another day of rain.

The ground is saturated. 

My feet squish into mud under the wet grass when I go out in the yard.

Mr Scrapatch is having to try to dry out patches of water in our cellar today.

It is not really flooded but it is wet and not healthy

Others of our family and friends have been having to do the same. 

Honestly, it feels like the earth just cannot take much more.

Unfortunately, it is looking increasingly more like we shall have to on Saturday.
Time will tell how much. The closer to the coast of New England, the worse it will be. We are inland on a large river that flows into the sea 25 miles east of us.

This too shall pass.

Today I am going to enjoy the sun and the flowers.
I planted these beauties in my back porch window boxes during a break in the rain yesterday. My oldest son brought them to me for my birthday get together on Sunday. 

I love the colors. 

This summer my garden has been too shaded and wet but my annuals are still blooming in the sun today.

The nasturtiums seeds that I planted are also blooming.

I love these flowers and the they are edible so a nice addition to salads. 

My blue broadleaf hydrangeas are also blooming.

These blooms are late this year as they suffered damage from the bitter cold we had last winter and the bushes had to be cut back in the spring.

I love all the colors of these beautiful blooms as they open ... 

... and bloom and as they fade.

Flowers are strong and resilient. 

Please join my friends and I as we celebrate the good things in life for

I Like Thursday @ Not Afraid of Color 

May your Thursday be happy and filled with goodness.


Home Sewn By Us said...

Your flowers are so gorgeous and certainly worthy of enjoying and celebrating. WOW! They are really stunning. I'm sorry about you having so much rain, and here in the Midwest we are having a drought. I heard the Hurricane Lee should hit the Northeast on Saturday, but it may still not come ashore. Good luck. It's no fun having water in the basement. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Gretchen Weaver said...

Your flowers are so colorful and beautiful! I thought you'd be showing your block from Blockheads 5 today. I'll look for it tomorrow, happy stitching!