Thursday, January 3, 2019

Live, Love, Bake ... and Stitch!

It is that time of the year to plan and make goals

Live ... love ... bake ... and stitch ... works for me.

I had overripe bananas today.  
That day when you must deciede to make banana bread, 
peel them and freeze them to make banana bread later or toss them.

In the "use it up" frame of mind that has found me lately,
I opted to bake.

Mmmmmm ... warm, delicious Banana Bread ... yum!

My go-to Banana Bread recipe is 
from Simply Recipes and can be found HERE

I need to plan tn bake more banana bread.

Yes, I have a shiny new planner for 2019.

My goals are very modest ones.

I can do this!

I need to add "Live, Love, Bake, Stitch"  to the goals ... :-)

Day 3 of 365 for 2019


Quilting Babcia said...

That sounds like a fabulous plan for the year!

Kay said...

Love your plan. I was planning to make banana bread this weekend ( have some bananas in the freezer), so I'm going to try your recipe. Love to bake in the winter. I also have some gingerbread baking for the weekend. Have you tried Pumpkin muffins using a can of pumpkin and a spice cake mix (no other ingredients required), except I add chopped pecans to mine. These are so easy and so yummy. Happy New Year!

claudia said...

I can smell that banana bread from here! ;) I used to bake a lot, but since I need to lose all the weight from all my baking I have had to "kick the habit".
I love your plan for the year. I am going to steal your steps to achieve that goal! Those are some great steps we all should heed!
Happy New Year!