Wednesday, February 13, 2019

How I Brighten a Gray Wintery Day

Is there anything quilty 
that is brighter and happier 
than a pile of pretty 30's fabric scraps? 

It is gray and a wintery mess outside today.

We had a snow/ice/rain storm last night. 

I took a few minutes out of my current project 
which requires a lot of very precise piecing
of very small pieces ...

... to play with an image of a block that has surfaced 
from my quilty muse.

Sneak Peek.

No 30's prints larger than 1.5" wide.

There is a block under there,
that I can't show you yet.

It is the pro-type for a project coming later in the queue.

It  looks like it may work out
but it may need a few tweaks.

My quilty muse will dream of pretty 30's prints again tonight.

Do you dream quilty dreams? 


Jo said...

I dreamed i started working on my wild n goosey blocks again last week. But i havent madr any yet. I am trying to use up my thirties right now. They do bring some cheery colors and prints to the dreary gray of winter.

Karen said...

I used to have a collection of 30's fabrics. I used them up and have never replaced them. I do love seeing others making wonderful quilts with them.