I sewed a spring sash for our house angel.
I blogged about this

Angel was looking like she needed something new for spring.
I had this fabric out for a backing for a quilt I am making
and it it seemed the perfect choice.
I bought a lot of this fabric, the end of a bolt, when
a nearby quilt shop was moving to a new location and had deep markdowns
to reduce their inventory.
I was not until I was cutting it that I saw the fabric was called "Eden."
This made me smile.
I do believe there is a benevolent presence around us every moment of every day.
Everyone may call it whatever they wish.
I like angels.
"It Could Happen."
This quote from the 1994 film,
has been a catch phrase in our home, since my daughter was young
and watched this movie so many times
I still remember most of the lines.
I liked listening to this movie in the background of my life for years.
I like seeing my angel in her new spring garment.
I like that I can open the windows of the south side of the house today
to let in the fresh air.
I like that the last week the first robin of spring came home.
I like this time of year,
mud season in New England,
a time of rebirth.
I liked listening to this movie in the background of my life for years.
I like seeing my angel in her new spring garment.
I like that I can open the windows of the south side of the house today
to let in the fresh air.
I like that the last week the first robin of spring came home.
I like this time of year,
mud season in New England,
a time of rebirth.
That is all I have to share today for
There are lots of interesting people and stories
in the links.
Enjoy your day!
Good Morning! I am wondering how tall your angel is? I love the idea of sewing a sash for her, and one that you can change seasonally or whenever the mood strikes you. I have angels all throughout our house, and I do believe that they walk amongst us. Or at least I'd like to think that they do. Hmm, I need to take an inventory of just how many angels we have. That would make a fun post as we even have some quilted ones. ~smile~ Roseanne
Reading about your angel made me smile. I have a small collection of angels, a few stay out year-round. Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday!
I love her spring sash! What a fun way to update her for every season! No need for her to be just Christmassy!
I love your house angel in her spring sash! I have some angels here and there around my house, too - there's something comforting about them, that's for sure. Although the movie you mentioned isn't one we watched frequently when my kids were growing up, there are others that are family favorites, and we still quote from them regularly! Happy Spring!
I love that your angel has a Spring sash. It gives me a smiley feeling. :-)
I like this post... yes there is much around us we can't see... and are mostly unaware of but your two angels are reminders. Nice that you gave her a spring sash as it is kind of an acknowledgment of the presence. I have certain shows and movies that play in the background of life too. It could happen is a good phrase.
thanks for being a part of our merry little band LeeAnna
Awesome angel and sash. It's just cool! Enjoy your day! :-) :-)
Eden is a pretty pattern - so many flowers! Makes a very pretty sash. Looking forward to more spring weather.
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