Saturday, July 10, 2021

Buying By The Bolt

This is

Bella Solids Bleached White #9900-98  

which is one of my preferred background whites. 

Usually I have plenty of this in my stash, 

but I was down to my last yard and it is in four projects

 that I am working on at the moment.

So it was time to buy more.

So I bought a 15 yard bolt.

It came packaged in plastic, pristine and uncut.

I know this sounds at first like an extravagance, but hear me out.

 I bought this at 

Fat Quarter Shop

my favorite online shop,

where Bella Solids are regularly $6.99 per yard,

However, when you buy 15 yards of any regular priced fabric,

you can get a 20% "By the Bolt" discount.

So my fabric was $5.39 per yard and I saved over $20,

So yes, it was a large purchase upfront but I will use it up. 

There is not a discount code for this.

When you order, the customer service person who prepares the order will automatically deduct the 20% and adjust your order total.

I do always put in a note on my order, asking for the bolt discount.

You can also call their Tool Free number 1-866-826-2069 

to order, if you feel better talking with a human about this.

If you are wondering what white to buy,

Learn More About Bella Whites Here @FQS

I like Porcelain for a creamy off white. 

So that is the long and short story about the fabric that arrived today.

I also tossed an Alison Glass Cross Stitch Charm Pack 

into my cart that was in the daily flash sale.

My mail was happy today!  

May all your mail be squishy and happy. 

Note: This post contains affiliate links.

If you order from these links, or through the button on the top of my right sidebar,

I will receive a small blogger affiliate stipend at no extra cost to you. 

Thank You !


Gretchen Weaver said...

I also buy white fabric by the bolt. People always seem so astonished I'd buy that much at a time but it normally lasts maybe 2 years then I need to buy another bolt. Happy stitching!

Rebecca Smith said...

I’ve been considering buying a bolt of solid to work on some feedsack quilts. I didn’t think about the discount!

Quilting Babcia said...

I so seldom use a white solid I'd need to split a bolt with someone, but there are a few colors I'd love to have if the same price applies to other than white. Thanks for sharing the link that showed the variety of shades of white with a companion color, that was extremely helpful!

Carolyn said...

I buy both Kona black and Kona white by the bolt. It is a little cheaper that way, and I always have it on hand if the mood strikes me to start a new project.I haven’t tried the porcelain—I will have to look for it on my Kona color chart. said...

I tend to buy lots of white and whites in at least 10 yard increments, and some of my favorites like the Bella and a grunge I buy in bolts.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I always buy my staples (I'm a Kona gal) by the bolt and most places will discount.

WarmQuilts said...

Great to know. Thanks for sharing the tip!