Saturday, February 24, 2024

Scrappy Saturday Sewing ~ Scrappy Dresden Plates


Sewing the Scrappy Irish Chain Dresden Plate Quilt Again.

As my readers know, I started this quilt a s part of the 

Scrappy Irish Chain Sew Along @ Coriander Quilts

and was making good progress in January and February.

I was at the point where my blocks were complete 

and I was sewing the blocks together into rows.

Then in early March I decided to add Scrappy Dresden Plates

to the center of my alternate blocks.

Then the great dining room renovation happened.


 At the end of August, my qulty kitties and I were at last able to set up 

our sewing corner again. 

In September, my quilty kitties and I 

Finished Piecing the Dresden Plates

and we were ready to applique.

and it looked like we were back on track.

Then life happened and then holidays happened

and this project was tucked into a box.

Until now.

My kitties and I are playing with these pretty fabrics again

Finishing up the 12 circles needed for the center of the plates.

I am using the non-fusible interfacing method to sew,

turn and make rounded centers.

My sewing machine boss kitty has been very helpful today.

We are ready to applique the remaining 11 Dresden Plates.

Sewing them onto the blocks that are sewn into rows will be a challenge.

Hope to have this done soon!

Happy Quilty Weekend!

1 comment:

Dorian said...

This is such a pretty project, can't wait to see a finished top! Maybe if you fold up the row until you are at the spot you are sewing, it wont be so difficult to rotate it around to sew the dresden on? Good luck, and have fun :)