Friday, March 1, 2019

Marching On

Catching up with

Week 6

Week 7

Nutmeg helped me by chasing the sun spots on the wall in my sewing room

Nutmeg and her swishy tail
are the inspiration for my 

Nutmeg is also a very vocal cat and meows loudly and frequently,
 including in the middle of the night.
She was a rescue kitten at 5 months 
who must have had a rough shelter life
and sometimes she needs a lot of reassurance that 
this is her forever home and that her humans 
will not abandon her again.

Nutmeg is growing into a very cuddly lap cat. 

Two lap cats are better than one on cold nights.
Nutmeg and Maestro, 
though born in different places,
are sisters in every way. 

I am liking how my scrappy 52 Week blocks are working up.

More blocks to catch up on today.

I really enjoyed turning the calendar page today.

May have to try to stitch this one.

Have a Happy March! 


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Awesome blocks! Now you got me with the calendar just because of the cat, but what bold and different projects. Yes, I ordered one.

Kathleen said...

Love your blocks. #7 looks extra fancy with that fabric you used for the diamond part. Makes the diamond itself look pieced. And look at Nutmeg's tail . . . too cute.