My little kitties are sisters of the heart.
They make me happy.
Sometimes these days I have to make the effort to look
to find the happy in everyday.

Yesterday it was these tiny pink flowers blooming on our plum tree ...
We started getting boxes of fresh ingredients for some of our meals from
The ones made by Mr Scrapatch look better than the ones on the recipe card
... and they tasted amazing!
so that even though we are far away
we can still spend time together
we can still spend time together
doing little things we both enjoy.
Sometimes we are both awake at midnight
and tonight I heard something outside
and tonight I heard something outside
so I turned on our backyard light and ...
... captured this Nocturnal Visitor on our bird feeders!
I hope this video plays for you.
I hope this video plays for you.
I like to see critters in my tiny city backyard.
It reminds me we all share this big world.
We are One Village - Together
This Facebook image made This Song
play in my head.
It was another quiet week in the Scrapatch.
There were days or rain and wind
and also days of sunshine.
To share in the life and times in other places visit my friends the
May everyone be well and safe.
Great likes. Love your visitor.
Oh your plum blossoms are beautiful! I've been enjoying blossoms on my apple and redbud trees and they make me so happy!
I love this post! So many fun likes. The song made me get a little teary eyed, I think it covers just about everything we are all feeling right now! Thank you so much for sharing it!
Hi Pat! Aww, your kitties look so pretty together. It's nice that they get along so well. Those plum blossoms are gorgeous. It makes me wonder about the apple blossoms in Washington DC. It seems like it is time for them. Take care! ~smile~ Roseanne
I love the raccoon!! Your cats are so pretty. Hugs,
I never really liked the sound of fish tacos - but those look delicious! Bad raccoon! I'm not a great Scrabble player, but it's so nice to play with friends online. Your kitties look so happy. Take care.
Love fish tacos!!! Tried them for the first time in Hawaii!! Your visitor is lovely, just keep your pets away as they seem to carry rabies and are terrifyingly strong/vicious. Lovely in the wild though! Thank you for the link to the pattern...I think I need to try this!
We caught a pic of two deer happily munching seed from our feeder! So now I take the feeder in every night until I can find a deer=proof one.
We are enjoying the beauty of spring on our walks. It really helps.
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