Friday, July 30, 2021

In My Sewing Patch

Blocks 59 & 60 for my Kinship Fusion Sampler Quilt

Forty more blocks to go for the 

100 Days 100 Blocks 2021 ~Event Info Here

@ GnomeAngel

I am really enjoying playing with these fabrics again. It is a lot of fussy cutting.

Sometimes I can find what I need in my scraps.

Last night I had to turn off my computer and sewing machine for a line of strong thunderstorms. Before I did I had decided to take a break from the fussy cutting and I packed them away for another day and pulled out a different project box. I made one block last night.

Today the sun is shining again and I am playing with these pretty fabrics.

Tomorrow I may be sewing something else.

I do like to flit from one project to another in my scrappy sewing patch

Do you have sewing plans for the weekend? 

May you have a happy quilty weekend.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

I Like Thursday# 104 ~ Words To Live By


This is one of the fabric pulls that I am considering for the 

30 Days of Improv QAL ~ Posted Here

This fabric is

Words To Live By by Gingiber

This newly released Layer Cake just arrived to brighten my mailbox.

I love the colors and designs in this fabric line.

Combined with the fabrics from my stash I should have much more than the 3 yards suggested for the top.  I have two other stacks of fabric that I am considering for this sew along. I have until Monday to decide. 

I will post the others soon.


Today is a wordy day.

I like words.

Here are a few that I have taken to heart:

The Guest House @ Free Printable Here


I like to play with words.

When I saw this news story in my feed I was intrigued:

Divergent Association Task

( I scored a 95.7 )

I do not usually take these test thing but this one did not ask for an email and the data is being collected by a university study. 

This led me to 

This Story about Amber Riley @ Fast Track

Yes, I watched the early seasons of Glee,

 because my musician daughter introduced me to it. 

I cannot tell you how it ended.

"Mercedes" was probably my favorite character.

I lost track for where Amber Riley went afterwards so it was a very nice surprise.

I very much enjoyed her

"Big Girl Energy" ~ Music Video

I like the part of the article about "What's in a Name?" ... that this song is not about size of body but about doing what needs to be done. 

While I was creating this post, I was enjoying this view out my open back door.

My coral rose has lot of new growth and the new buds are just opening.

It has been a stressful summer of weather on much of my garden, 

but all my roses are flourishing in the midst of it. 

I like when my roses re-bloom. 

Today I am visiting with my friends,

I Like Thursday Bloggers @ Not Afraid of Color

to share the small joys of life. 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 29 ~ Dwell in Possibility

Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 29

I have been sewing everyday. 

 I have been picking and choosing from a stack of ongoing projects. 

Above are two new blocks for my 

Kinship Fusion Sampler Quilt

As I am on the second half of the 100 blocks, I am feeling very hopeful that I will accomplish my goal of completing all the blocks.

I introduced a new fabric in these blocks.

One is the green background, as I am starting to use up the original scraps and such that I have incorporated into these blocks.

The other is the black print in block 58.

This fabric is being added by design, as I have an image in my head now of how I want to layout these blocks. I think one of the factors in my setting this project aside two years ago was that I had no idea how I might want to set the blocks finish the quilt. My fabrics are so unique and colorful, a custom setting seemed the way to go.  I did not want to add a white and/or black sashing.

I have decided! 

I have an image in my head of a custom setting and these are the fabrics.

I had the gold and black on off-white leaf prints and I recently purchased the black print and orange text print and other two black on white fabrics.

The new fabrics are from 

Dwell in Possibility by Gingiber for Moda Fabrics

I adore this line, even the bits of metallic, which are not a typical choice for me. 

This fabric line came out this spring and the quotes in the panel speak to me. 

I have only bought the fabrics for the setting and a panel for the back and a layer cake to sprinkle carefully into my Kinship quilt.  I would love to but the whole line, but these will do unless I find it on sale, although that is not likely as it is a very trendy and popular.  

Do you "dwell in possibility?"

Our weather has been taking odd turns. 

Last night it was quite stormy and I turned off the powers strips and unplugged my computer and sewing machines.  I have done this since I was a girl.  One night when I was sleeping, lightning struck the transformer on a pole outside my bedroom and caused a surge into our house that blew holes in a bulb in the only lamp that was on in the living room. Better to be safe than sorry.

This week we had an "unhealthy air" warning, which is highly unusual. It has been very hazy, an effect I suspect from smoke blown east on high level winds from the firestorms in the west.   There is smoke in the air.  Outside work has been difficult and limited to short durations. I am blessed to be able to stay inside and turn on the air conditioner. How awful the air must be for living creatures there.  

I pray for all those in harm's way. 

Otherwise, in my quilty corner of the world.

What have you been sewing and how is all with you and yours?

Please share! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

To-Do Tuesday ~ Another Week Done; Another Begun

 Here is my Week 6 ~ Weathervane Block for the

Summer in the Garden Quilt Along

This was a fun and easy block to sew.  

The instructions were for making this block with hour glass units.  I cut the squares oversize and trimmed and squared my hourglass block to 6.5" before sewing them into the 12.5" block.

The free pattern for this block my be found here: 

Summer in the Garden ~ Weathervane Block 


This was my Monday Goal for my Weekly Sewing To-Do List.

Let me check how I did working on my Goals for Last Week:

1) Make more Kinship Fusion Sampler Blocks. ... yes.

My Goal is to get all 100 blocks done this year during the quilt along and I am on track to complete them this year at this time.

2) Make the Weekly Summer in the Garden quilt block next Monday ... yes

I am enjoying sewing this summer garden.  My outside garden is a task this year and the weather has not been helpful.

3) Sew More Blue/Gray/White Log Cabin Blocks ...  no.

I need to dedicate a day or two a week just to sewing these blocks.

4) Make more Cozy and Magical blocks for the Sampler Spree QAL ~ Main Page ... again this is 100 blocks ... no.

This in the next project in my queue..

5) Do some hand stitching, embroidery or cross stitching.  I am working on this Sunflower Cross Stitch Project ~ Started Here ... no

I actually did do some stitches on this but do not feel like I can call it an accomplished goal.   The sunflower stitching is feeling laborious to me.  I am thinking to set this aside and try my hand at a different hand stitching UFO.

6) Gardening Goals ... the usual trimming, weeding and deadheading, etc ... and enjoying my beautiful flowers ... yes.

I was able to get out and help my garden grow a few time this week.  We are on the second day of an "unhealthy air" alert and it has been hazy.  Yesterday, I could not stay outside even to water as I got a sinus headache.  Mr. Scrapatch had finish the watering for me when he came in.  Today I have been able to go out for short durations.  Tonight a line of strong thunderstorms are on the radar. 

Added Goal during the week ...   I have been thinking about this for some time but I decided on Wednesday night that it was time to sell some of my old Sew Sampler boxes that I now know I will never sew.  I posted the first ones in a swap and sale online group on Facebook last week and plan to do more this week.  I have never really sold anything online.  Learning how to price and post and invoice and ship has taken me some time. 

Score: Draw:  3 yes and 3 no 


Goals for the New Week:

1) Make more Kinship Fusion Sampler Blocks

2) Make the Weekly Summer in the Garden quilt block next Monday.

3) Continue my Sew Sampler Sell Off.I have plans to use the small nest egg from these sales to buy some new fabric I really want. 

4) Make more Cozy & Magical Sampler Spree Blocks 

5) Find a  hand stitching, embroidery or cross stitching UFO and do some slow stitching. 

6) Decide on my fabrics for the 30 Days of Improv Blocks and be ready to sew for the start day.

7) Block off time that will be "Log Cabin Blocks Only" time and get sewing.  This quilt has to be done for my son's birthday this fall. 

I am Linking Up with 

To-Do Tuesday @ chrisknits

Here's hoping I am a little more successful this week. 

May your week be sew happy and full. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

30 Days of Improv QAL ~ Broadcloth Studio


I (almost) cannot believe that I am doing this.

I am (really) going to take on another timed project commitment.

Well (as my followers know) my concept of time is my own. 

If I miss a day or get side tracked I am not going to stress about it.

I sew for fun and this looks like fun.

This Improv QAL is happening at

 Broadcloth Studio

I received an invitation in my email because I have purchased their patterns

 in the past and am subscribed to their newsletter. 

There is an information post  for this Improv QAL on the

Broadcloth Facebook Studio ~ Facebook Page

and also on 

Broadcloth Studio ~ #Instagram

Because I signed up for the QAL, 

I received the fabric requirements in my email today.

Hmmm ... now I need to find some fabric ... :) 

This is going to be sew fun! 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

I Like Thursday # 103 ~ Just Another Week In The Scrapatch


I have always liked receiving these surprise packages.

Today my Sew Samplers are packing up and moving on.

I have been cleaning my quilting room.

These boxes take up a lot of space.  Some of these boxes are almost empty as I sewed the projects or used the fabric for other purposes. Receiving these boxes brought much sewing happiness to my life.  After many years of enjoying these monthly boxes, I canceled my subscription.

Subscriptions are open , if your are interested.

 Sew Sampler Subscription ~ Sign Up Here

 I am sorting through these boxes and packing up items I plan sell or give away. May they bring joy to others. The cardboard boxes will be recycled. 

I have sew many things I want to sew and sew little time.  


When I take a break from cleaning, I am looking at all the new fabrics coming out. 

This one,  Eve @ Art Gallery Fabrics

is by Bari J, whose dramatic colors and designs usually appeal to me.

This collection has this very interesting Free Pattern

Garden of Eve Quilt Pattern ~ Free PDF Here

I really like this unusual twist on the rail fence pattern.  I think I would sew this in different fabrics, though.  If I do sew, it will be a "stash" quilt.

I have also been perusing the upcoming collections

in this new online issue of  Piece by Moda Fabrics

My favorite collection in this book is the cover one, Beautiful Day by Corey Yoder.

It is the reds and grays that call to me the most. 

 Check out the beautiful red and white panel Here on Corey Yoder's IG feed

Right now I am looking and not even thinking of buying.


When I am not cleaning or looking at fabric,  I am reading.

I saw this book, Overstory by Richard Powers,
on someone's blog last week and ordered a copy right away.
This is the kind of book that raises my awareness of the natural world around me and cocoons me within it at the same time. 
I do not know how I missed this much celebrated book when it was published.
I am happy I found it now.  Thanks to whoever posted it.

I love the tiny sewing machine on this metal bookmarker.  
I cannot tell you where I found this either. It  always makes me smile.

I hope to have my cutting table cleared and to be sewing again later today.

For now I am visiting with my friends,

I Like Thursday Bloggers @ Not Afraid of Color

to share the small joys of life. 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week #28

Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 28

Welcome to my Summer Garden, too! 

On Monday, there were two new blocks for the 

Summer in the Garden Quilt Along

The main block was this cute Honeybee Block Posted Here

There was also a Bonus Block 

Garden Gate Block ~ Free Pattern Here

Although I like this block, it does not say "garden gate " to me.

So I devised this improv block as a stylized version ...

... of my real garden gate, pictured here with my pink roses just starting to bloom.

Looking at it, I may add green cut-offs to the upper two corners to represent the trees in the back of the yard. 

Sewing this was fun.

I decided to celebrate the sun coming out to shine today by making this sunny version of the Garden Gate Bonus Block posted by Moda Bake Shop for the quilt along. In this photo you can seethe zinnias in the window box outside the window in my sewing corner.  

What have you been sewing and stitching this week?

Please share! 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

To-Do Tuesday ~ All is Well in My Quilty Garden


Here is my new block for the

 Summer in the Garden Quilt Along

Free Honeybee Quilt Block Pattern Here

This was a fun block to sew.

I am really enjoying my fabric play with these block designs. 

I am Linking Up with 

To-Do Tuesday @ chrisknits

Last Week's List:

1) Make more Kinship Fusion Sampler Blocks ... yes ... 60 blocks done; 40 blocks to do

2) Make the Weekly Summer in the Garden  ... yes ... see above

3) Sew More Blue/Gray/White Log Cabin Blocks ... yes, but need to make more progress.  I will post about this quilt in the making soon.

4) Start my Cozy and Magical fabric project ... yes

5) Do some hand stitching, embroidery or cross stitching ... yes, pulled out my sunflower project form 2020. 

6) Get back out in the garden (weather permitting) and weed, trim, deadhead and other basic garden maintenance ... yes; although rain continues to be a big factor in my quilty corner.  Hoping for a few days of drier weather soon. 

Do that is a Yes on all goals ... woo-hoo!

Goals for This Week:

1) Make more Kinship Fusion Sampler Blocks.

Goal is to get all 100 blocks done this year during the quilt along.  As the we are only about 20 days into this year, I have 80 days to complete 40 more blocks.  

2) Make the Weekly Summer in the Garden quilt block next Monday. 

I am continuing to enjoy this one.  I am working on this week's bonus block this morning.

3) Sew More Blue/Gray/White Log Cabin Blocks ... I need to post about this.  It has been an interesting experience so far. More later.

4) Make more Cozy and Magical blocks for the Sampler Spree QAL ~ Main Page ... again this is 100 blocks. 

5) Do some hand stitching, embroidery or cross stitching.  I am working on this Sunflower Cross Stitch Project ~ Started Here

6) Gardening Goals ... the usual trimming, weeding and deadheading, etc ... and enjoying my beautiful flowers.  

Well, those are my goals for the week.

I hope your week goes well. 

Happy Stitching! 

Friday, July 16, 2021

Sampler Spree QAL ~ Blocks 1 - 4

 Here are my first four blocks for the 

You can find all the info for this sew along on the

Sampler Spree QAL ~ Main Page

I am sewing along by numerical order in the book.

These are all 6.5" unfinished blocks.

In the layout in the book, the small blocks are sewn together

 into larger blocks of four. 

I think I am going to wait to sew mine together.

I may decide to sew them together in order, also.

These are fun blocks to make.

What are your quilty plans this weekend?

May you have a happy and safe weekend. 

Thursday, July 15, 2021

I Like Thursday # 102 ~ 15 Minutes of Play


Busy day today so I am just sitting down to to write my Thursday post now.

I have only had 15 minutes to play with the fabric today,

so I made this little block with my cut-off HSTs and scraps from my 

Summer in the Garden  blocks.

I love making these little blocks that have no name.

They always make me smile. 

I have found much to smile about this week. like this yummy treat:

For our 40th Anniversary I made a special dessert, No Bake Cheesecake

I followed this recipe here... 

No Bake Cheesecake @ Live Well Bake Often

and stirred a jar of strawberry preserves to spread on top

 after it set in the refrigerator.

A small piece of this is enough so we have been enjoying it all week. 

Yummy!  I will make this again. 

I am hoping to sew some blocks for the many projects in my queue,

so this post is short today, another 15 minutes of fun.

Linking up with the friendly

I Like Thursday Bloggers @ Not Afraid of Color

to share the small joys of life. 

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week # 27 ~ Sampler Spree


Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 27

I have been sewing daily again on old projects and new ones.

It is good to be stitching in my happy place.

This little 6 inch Friendship Star is my most recent block
 and it is the start of a new big quilt. 

In April is saw this Let's Make a Sampler Announcement

When I saw this promo for this year's Moda Blockheads quilt, I was, at first, taken back by the fact you had to buy a book upfront, as the three previous quilts were free, one block, one week at a time. Then I looked at the book and decided I liked the idea of a pre-published book so I would not have to go hunting for where to find the weekly blocks.

So I bought the book in April and it has sat by my bed to peruse before sleep. Although I like scrappy quilts, I am still undecided as to how much the cover quilt appeals to my personal preferences. It is a beautiful quilt ... just not one I would want to imitate. So I enjoyed "reading" the book for about a month and let my quilty muse come up with an image one morning as I woke up.

I was a bit surprised that the image that popped up was only a few colors and not ones of my usual choosing. The quilt in my head had only these four colors in the blocks on a cream background with two lighter peachy pink fabrics in the sashing.

These are not colors I have just sitting in my stash.

I have yellows and pinks and blues and reds, but not these actual colors and tones.

When I saw these four fabrics on the internet, it seemed destined to be. 

I know I had not seen an image of this upcoming fabric collection in April or May or even June so I know it did not influence my quilty musings. 

So when I saw it @ Maureen Cracknell's Instagram page four days ago, it was a case of fabric love at first sight.

I looked for more IG posts for the fabric and found the fabric in stock here 

 @ Saltwater Fabrics on Instagram

I had never heard of Saltwater Fabrics, but it is a small business in Maine and I like to support small businesses, so I ordered my fabric there over the weekend and I received it on Monday. It even came in a drawstring backpack bag.

This lovely bag of fabrics  is my 40th Anniversary present from Mr. Scrapatch.

and it arrived on our actual anniversary.

If I had to describe our forty years together in a few words,

"cozy and magical" it has been. 

So I guess I will be calling this our anniversary quilt" when it is finally completed.

It may take 10 years so my goal is to make this by our 50th Anniversary.

Since our life together has always been about the day to day journey and not the destination, this is all good.

So these are the fabrics for my blocks for the

Sampler Spree QAL ~ Main Page

I am using my treasured Bountiful Flax Weave by Sharon Holland 

for the block backgrounds.

Now all I have to do is make the other 99 blocks. 

In the Sampler Spree Intro Post ~ Here 

it was suggested that their might be color themes and a "Scavenger Hunt" way of approaching the blocks each week. Is there ever! 

When I checked out the Sampler Spree ~ Week #1 Here

 there were 10 blocks and they were scattered throughout the book.

I will not be scavenging.  I will be sewing in numerical order.

There is also a color theme per week, but I will not be doing that either,

It is a good thing the promos for the quilt along suggested that we could participate any way the we wanted, or I would no actually be sewing along.

So this is Sampler Spree Block 1 ~ Friendship Star.
It is still gray and rainy in my quilty corner and I am having difficulty taking photos showing the true colors of these fabrics.  
Here is the block with my planned sashing fabrics. 

On to Block 2! 

Sampler Spree Week 5 Starts Here Today

Are you sewing along?

What are you sewing this week?

Please share!