My Motif #1 ~ Top Row Center
for my Quilty Love Cross Stitch is done!
I am really happy with how this one is working up.
I got to the center of this motif and decided o add a new color.
Green was not a part of the original plan.
I have decided I want to use these fabrics for inspiration and finishing
and I do not have a lot of DMC colors so I opened this package
of Cosmo Floss that was in my stash and used that.
The Cosmo floss feels different and I little thinner.,
but it works okay together.
I am never going to get perfection in cross stitch
but I feel my efforts are improving.

is my favorite cross stitch project so far.
The motifs are a good size and easy enough to follow
an the chart is easy to read with my bad eyesight.
My eyesight is getting worse and I have to adapt.
Things I have leaned in my return to cross stitch adventures:
1) I like DMC (which is the least expensive) floss the best.
2) I need to use large count Aida like this 10 Count white.
3) I need to be happy with what I can stitch and not worry about the minute details.
4) A "Snag Nab-It" tool is good to have around.
I saw this at
tool for $2.24 and wondered if it might be useful
and I have to tell you that is is very useful.
I have used to to pull out the fuzz when I needed to rip out a mistake
and it also helps to pull loose floss threads to the back!
The official use video from Dritz is Here
I am going to get another one or two of these so I can always find one when I need it.
Time to snuggle under the quilts to stay warm .... brrrrr!
Sweet Quilty Love Dreams <3
Hi Pat! It was the perfect night to stay indoors here as well. The wind was howling like crazy, shaking all of the windows. I'm glad you and the kitties survived and enjoyed some beautiful stitching. ~smile~ Roseanne
Your stitching looks great. Such pretty colors. Perfection is over rated. 😉 The snagnabit is a great tool.
Thanks for sharing. What a great tool. I agree it is nice to stay inside when it is not nice outside.
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