Monday, January 8, 2024

Monday Snow Day


Monday was officially a "Snow Day" here.

This means schools and many businesses were closed

while we all stayed home and shoveled.

The total snow accumulation for my community is listed as 16.6" inches.

What this number does not tell is that the bottom three inches were so wet they turned to ice as more snow fell and then in the end there was another crusty layer at the top. It started as a coastal storm with a strong onshore wind driving the snow inland. There was a brief lull in the middle which was fluffy light snow and then the winds shifted to coming from the west and a large storm came in from the midwest for several more hours of driving snow. Wind shifted again near the end to bring more wet snow from the coast.  This is what we call a "nor-eastern" in my quilty corner. 

This morning the bright sun came out to illuminate the ice on the trees. This is a sun that brings no warmth.  The ice still clings as darkness falls.

Time to stay inside and stitch.

I am deciding to play with the floss and change up the colors

that are given in the pattern.

Hugs & Stitches! 


Gretchen Weaver said...

The flea market pattern looks so nice. Enjoy your stitching!

Dorian said...

It's pretty at least! Glad Charlie didn't have to go in to work.

Anonymous said...

Oh the snow!! Ours is coming (to western New York) but not until next week some time when the temps dip into the 20s. You are making great progress on your CCS. I just received my pattern and thread kit today (1/10) and I'm going to need to use my husband's magnifying loop he used when he was a pressman, in order to see the tiny color symbols on that pattern sheet! It will be awhile though before I get started on it.
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net