Tuesday, February 22, 2022

My Crochet Muse Has Awakened


It was bound to happen.

As I have regained my confidence in my crochet skills,

it is time to get creative.

I am playing with the color and pattern.

I made Block 11 with no variation from the pattern instructions: 

Well, I did find my sides were straighter and my turns crisper by

crocheting 3 chains, rather than two, when turning my moss stitch rows.

I do not consider this being creative.

I consider it making the pattern work better for me.

You can see the squareness of my turns in this photo:

This block was written for one color in two stitches.
My creative muse has called me to add color
and to only do the moss stitch. 

After seeing the creative variations in the links In My Previous Post,
I could not resist playing with the pattern and yarn.

Creativity is a good thing.

Do you always follow a pattern as written 
or do you always get creative?
Or both?


Chantal said...

Yay for square corners. I remember having trouble with that too back when I crochet. I guess that's why I did mostly doilies, haha. Love the two colours block. Beautiful! ;^)

Gretchen Weaver said...

The 2 colored block looks very pretty! I sometimes do change a quilt pattern to suit myself but sometimes those changes just don't work! That's ok, I have plenty of fabric to resew. Happy stitching!