Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week # 7


Time for Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 7

My quilty kitty and I are happy this week to have a finished project

 to show this week.

Completing this quilt on time for the Show Your Stripes Blog Hop 

has kept me busy for the last week

so now I need to catch up on a few WIPs,

like my  SAHRR, which is stuck at Week 3,

as it is now Week 5 and the last border will be next Monday.

 This is what I have on my sewing table today.

I am working on the checkerboard border. 

Yesterday, I made more masks for Mr. Scrapatch to wear to work,

like I have done every month now for a year. 

Green for March! 

Early on we determined he needed masks with neck straps 

so they do not get tangled up in his over the ear hearing aides. 

Click on the this link:

3 Layer Masks with Neck Straps

for how I make these masks.

What are you working on this week?

Please share! 


Bernie Kringel said...

Have to say I am really enjoying the SAHRR projects - it is fun to see how the quilters interpret the weekly borders - none of the quilts look even close to similar. Such a creative bunch!!

piecefulwendy said...

You'll get caught up on your SAHRR, and I'll be looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Thanks for sharing the tutorial on the mask with neckband; I'm going to try that as I wear glasses and hearing aids as well.