Tuesday, February 28, 2023

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 8 ~My Jolly Bar Jazz Quilt


10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 8

This is my 

Sundrops Jolly Bar Jazz Quilt

because it is snowing here again 

and I need a few sundrops of summer today. 

This quilt was made using this free

Jolly Bar Jazz Quilt Pattern @ Fat Quarter Shop

This is one of my favorite bed quilts

although it also lives on the back of my sofa for snuggling under on

cool spring and summer nights when the windows are open.

I love these Sundrops fabrics by Corey Yoder

and paired it with a lovely spring green script print in my stash

from another Moda line.

As my creative quilty muse loves to do, 

I played with this pattern and added red posts in the green sashing 

to create a secondary element to the original quilt design.

This is the large 17" block in the pattern.

With my extra jolly bar fabrics, I made a different block design by turning the corner units and made a toss pillow to go with my quilt. 

I love using up fabrics and playing with the pieces.

Someday I would love to make this quilt again

 and see what my quity muse might decide to make.

I once saw a quilt on IG where the quilter used similar colors and green sashing

and made a quilt that looked very much like mine.

It made me happy.

I love sharing and swapping quilty ideas with other quilters.

This quilt is a breath of fresh air and sundrops.

This pattern is one of many, many free

Free Shorcut Quilt Patterns @ FQS


While mentioning all the wonderful patterns generously given by Fat Quarter Shop, I would like to point out that the

Bountiful Quilt Along Starts Today @ Fat Quarter Shop

Block 1 for the Bountiful Charity Quilt Along has been released

and may be found in the link below:

Bountiful Block 1 by Corey Yoder @ Coriander Quilts

I love this basket block. 

I have beautiful new fabrics for this quilt along.

These are 

Sundance by Crustal Manning @ Fat Quarter Shop

I love these colors and designs

and they have inspired me to make this quilt.

May you find inspiration for your next quilt today!

Happy Sewing! 

Monday, February 27, 2023

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 7 / My Snowman in the Window Quilt

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 7

This is my

Snowman in the Window Quilt

I made this quilt after seeing one much like it on the internet that had no pattern resource. I loved the idea peeking out and seeing snowmen at my windows on a snowy black night, so I gathered my black and white scrap fabrics and I designed my own as I sewed and posted tutorials of all the steps on my blog in a free sew-along format. 

These blocks consist of a different snowman in each center

with log cabin type strips sewed around them.

When I improvise one of these patterns,

I use anything on hand that works,

like a plate to cut white fabric shapes for the snowball heads.

I free style cut the applique pieces from scrap fabrics.

I use lightweight fusible to hold the fabrics in place and then

I add a machine applique blanket stitch around the edges.

Nothing is perfect.

I made nine different snowman blocks and then added borders.

I added simple quilted snowflakes and straight line quilting 

on my regular sewing machine for this small quilt.

I had fun with the process and enjoy the seasonal wall quilt.

Since we have had a return to winter cold weather

 and have snow on the ground with more coming later today, 

this wall cute quilt is warming my dining room wall as I type and sew.  

All Sew Along Steps Links Are Here

Follow the steps to make your own little

 log cabin snowman in the window quilt.

Have fun sewing! 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 6 ~ My Airmail Envelope Quilt

This quilt was a gift and I posted it 

Quilt Blogger's Festival 2015 ~ Here

The fabric inspired this block design.

It is an easy block to cut and piece.

I designed this block and quilt with fabrics provided to me by

Bear Creek Quilting Company

and they posted the free tutorials on their blog.

All of the parts of this tutorial may be found on the 

I also made a pillow with two extra blocks.

The links for this pattern and alternate colorways and layouts
lives on my right sidebar and in the link below:

This quilt was gifted to a this adorable baby boy who is now 8 years old.
The last time I spoke with his mom, she said he still loved his quilt.

Someday I hope to make another quilt in this pattern.

If your ever make a sew this block, I would love to see it.

Happy Sewing! 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 5 / Scrappy Saturday


10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 5

This is my

 Pink Scrappy Stripes & Curves Quilt

I started this quilt with a pile of scrap fat quarters, smaller scraps and leftover yardage from other quilts.

Then I made a pieced Improv Dresden block for the

Scrappy Fan Blade Block ~ Curves Challenge

In order to duplicate the original blocks,

I made my own templates to cut the curves for the rest of my blocks.

When it came time to set the blocks and design the top,

I used fabrics from my stash.

The background whites are scrappy, too.

There are pieces of four different white tonals.

Inside on the sofa, the whites all blend in together,

but outside in natural light, the different shades of the whites are easily seen.

Some of the white-on-whites are creamier than others.

The color variations in the background do not bother me.

I used it as a design element and think it adds depth and definition.

This quilt has always been one of my Maestro's favorite nap places.

I chose this scrappy quilt for day 5 of my Quilt Show 

because today is Scrappy Saturday!

I love playing with my scraps.

I am still piecing blocks for my 

Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt

One more block to finish before I can layout and pieces my top.

Time to Sew!

Happy Scrappy Saturday! 

Friday, February 24, 2023

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 4 ~ Free Pattern Friday


Hugs & Kisses 

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 4

Free Pattern Friday

Some free patterns have been out there for a long, long time and they are as beautiful and timely as ever ... like this wonderful

Hugs & Kisses Quilt ~ First Posted Here

This is a "tried and true" free pattern that
I found many years ago on the internet. 
It is from QuiltPox,
which was last updated on 2007.
These patterns leave a lasting legacy of quilty inspiration. 

Click here for this Free Pattern

This one was quilted before I had my long arm and if I made one again, 
I might still want to do this straight line quilting.

I made a mini quilt with one extra block.

I am still loving this pattern after all these years.

Please share your quilt love, too! 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

I Like Thursday # 156 ~ 10 Quilts ~ Day 3

10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 3

This is my

Batik Layer Cake Quilt for My Guy

It replaced an old worn out utility quilt made with scrap blocks 
and fabrics from an older batik quilt project. 
One day he brought the utility quilt that had been taken camping 
and lived in his car inside and it became his favorite indoor quilt. 
I repaired it a few times and he still has it 
but it is smaller and not as warm as this newer quilt.  
Now the kitties nest in the smaller quilt.

Today is also

I Like Thursday @ Not Afraid of Color 

For our post this week, LeeAnna has asked us to blog about

the things we do to show our love.

This is what I do:  I make quilts.

This one was for my best friend and husband,

who shows his love for all of us everyday and every way. 

I make quilts not only for people I know. 

I have made many quilts and blocks over the years to send them off to others 

in hope of making the world a little warmer and friendlier and full of love. 

This is an easy layer cake pattern, 

which Started Designing Here

All of the blocks were made with this size pieces.

Most were cut from 10 inch squares and some from scraps and strips in my stash.

In the end I made 11 different block layouts with these cuts

and scattered them randomly in my layout.

This is the finished quilt.

Mr. Scrapatch loves and uses his quilt everyday.

The kitties love it, too.

For me, quilts are love.

I find I am very much enjoying this 10 day walk down memory lane

 and revisiting some of past quilty accomplishments. 

Please share your love by sharing a quilt in my linky party:

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

10 Quilts~ 10 Days ~ Day 2

 10 Quilts ~ 10 Days ~ Day 2

Here is one of my favorite makes:

My Gingham 3D Pinwheel Baby Quilt ~ Posted Here

I made this quilt for my Grand-Darling.

I posted photos of Everly and here quilt here:

Everly's Gingham Pinwheel Quilt

This pattern is my own design.

I am thinking of making it again for my new Grand-Niece in these fabrics.

There is a yellow, orange and gray gingham in this line

so I could add some gingham from my stash.

Will be choosing the pattern for this baby quilt soon,

as soon as I complete my scrappy Irish Chain top.

If you would like to share any of your lovely quilts 

of the past, I would love to see them.

Please join my linky party:

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

10 Quilts ~ Linky Party ~ Day 1


This is my 

Jelly Glazed Hearts ~ First Posted Here

This is a free pattern 

My online quilty friend, Ms Debbie Sisi Quilt Allanhas nominated me 

to post 10 of my quilts in 10 days in a personal online FB Quilt Show.  

I have decided to post them here, too. 

I will not be nominating anyone as I have made a personal decision,

but I love to see my friends' quilts.

If you would like to participate please do so in the

"My Quilts Linky Party" at the bottom of this post.

Thanks to all who share in the fun. 


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Scrappy Saturday Sewing with the Scrapatch Cats


The kitties and I have been busy sewing more scrappy blocks for our

Scrappy Irish Chain Quilt

Maestro prefers to help in my piecing and pressing area. 

Maestro has been sew helpful.
Here she is staring at me because I am not winding more bobbins.
Maestra loves winding bobbins and would carry them away 
to inspect them for quality issues, if permitted. 

Nutmeg prefers to help with on the cutting table and with block layout. 

Nutmeg gives the "tail of approval" to proceed with this block. 

Once in awhile, kitty needs her nap in my cutting table kitty bed. 

I make good use of this time.

I now have seven of the Block A units finished.

Six more to go! 

Happy Scrappy Saturday Sewing ! 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Free Pattern Friday ~ Canadian Quilters ~ See You in Nova Scotia

This beautiful "See You in Nova Scotia"

 is a free quilt along @ 

Canadian Quilters Association ~ Homepage

Dawn Piasta is the designer.

See You in Nova Scotia Quilt Along Page

Join the 

Canadian Quilters Association on Facebook

to see and share. 

Go to the 

See You in Nova Scotia ~ Pattern Page

to see all info and download all the steps.

Click below for fabric requirements as shown: 

See You In Nova Scotia ~ Color Reference Chart

Click below for the first block unit instructions.

See You in Nova Scotia ~ Unit 1 ~ Light the Way

The next block was released today!

You may download it in the link below:

See You in Nova Scotia ~ Unit 2 ~ Gulls and Bouys

Save the links so you will not miss a pattern step.


I have always wanted to make a sea themed quilt like this

 and have started one at least twice.

Right now I am saving the steps.

I hope this will be the one a sew from start to finish.

Time will tell.

Happy Sewing!