Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday Squirrel ~ RBD Block Challenge

My Sunday Squirrel has been put to rest.

I am caught up on the first 3 blocks of the 

Riley Blake Design Block Challenge 2021 ~ Info Here

Here is my

Shining Star Block ~ Free Pattern Here

I dropped everything and started sewing this HERE yesterday. 

Partying with the other squirrelly ones tonight by linking up with ... 

DrEAMi! @ mmm! Quilts

Enjoying the links and trying not to let any more squirrels loose in in sewing room.

I plan to be back sewing my SAHRR tomorrow morning.

Sweet Quilt Dreams, Everyone! 

RBD Block Challenge ~ Block 2 ~ Framed Flower


Riley Blake Design Block Challenge  ~ Block 2 Done

There are 16 blocks in this challenge and they will measure 10" finished. 

I like this block but think the cutting instructions for the corner HSTs were a bit too oversize and allowed a bit too much waste.

 The cutting instructions said to cut 5" squares and trim.

They are an off size 3 and 3/4" trimmed.

Just saying.

Block 2 Download Here

Enjoying the pretty fabrics and am trying not to run to my white solid for the background.

I really want to play with the prints and pastels.

Since there are only 16 blocks in this challenge, one a week,

 and it ends in June I am finding this sew along easy to do. 

Enjoying the journey. 

Are you sewing along?  

RBD Block Challenge 2021 ~ Block 1 ~ Pinwheel Star


Here is Block #1 for my 

Riley Blake Design Block Challenge Started Here

There are several light prints in this fat quarter bundle

and I decided to try using them as backgrounds in the blocks.

It makes for a very busy block.

I think I like it, though, and may continue along this line.

For a setting I will probably choose a solid or two 

in whatever colors seem to bring the blocks together.

Maybe yellow and white ... which is why I chose this block board for my top photo.

The Fabric Requirements Posted Here

suggest sashing and an outer border.

I may make my own setting. 

Hmmm ... think I shall sleep on this.

Sweet Quilty Dreams! 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

DrEAMi! ~ Riley Blake Design Block Challenge

I love this fabric. 

It is dreamy.

I bought this last year when it came out with no idea what I would make.

I just had to have the fabric.

It has been one of those pesky little Squirrels in my sewing room

and it has been jabbering loudly at me 

 since I posted about a new block challenge last week, Here

This fabric says it wants me to make this project ... 

 Riley Blake Design Block Challenge Info Here

 Download the 

 Free Block Patterns Here

You may also find this on the 

#RBD Block Challenge FB Group

as well as many inspiring blocks from the group members.

I have been seeing too many pretty blocks in my quilty feeds to resist.

so I printed the blocks and set the fabric on my cutting table, 

right next to the SAHRR fabric that I am currently sewing.

It is 

Fleur by Sedef Imer for Riley Blake Designs

I love her designs and colors.

In my stash I found a lovely, large cut of

Spring on White Blossom by Riley Blake Design

that is a good choice for a background fabric. 

This is looking more and more like it is a DrEAMi that may need sewing. 

Can I really tale on another project?

Am I as nutty as this little squirrel?

Time will tell ... ;) 

Friday, February 26, 2021

By Jove

 "I Think I've Got It!"

Wonky Stars and Four Patches!

Yellow and Gray ... two of my favorite colors! 

I have been stuck here on my ...

Last Border ~ # 3 ~ Flying Geese

for twenty days and twenty nights.

 Three weeks behind and the last border to be announce on Monday.

This was in part due to prioritizing my Stripes Blog Hop Quilt

and, quite frankly, the "Checkerboard" border unexpectedly gave me trouble.

Not the sewing, of course, as a checkerboard is one of the easiest units to sew.

Size of units, color or units, placement of units all frustrated me.

I have and sewn a set aside many pieces

 and will probably use them for one or more pillow covers. 

Finally, I put it on my design wall and stared at it 

and fidgeted with it 

long enough that my creative quilty muse took pity.

Now, I am happily sewing!


Interesting Reading Find of the Day: 

Flat Felled Seams

I read this on 

The Creative Blog @ Art Gallery Fabrics 

Have you heard of this?  

Have you tried this technique?

I would love to learn more about this.

I may try it on woven or Essex Linen which have a greater tendency to ravel.


I have been trying not to see the border choice for this week 

so I can keep the mystery element of the challenge as intact as possible.

So if you do not see me on your blogs or IG feeds, you will know why.

May you have a happy, quilty weekend! 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

I Like Thursday ~ Week #86 ~ Hope Sings

This is "All a Twitter" fabric from Hoffman International.

I bought two yards of the large bird print a couple of years ago at a quilt show.
The text print is actually part of a panel that has seven other prints,
some of which are visible in the folds at the top of the photo.
This is one of my fabric treasures. 

I have a book of Emily Dickenson poems somewhere  with this quote.
 I got the book at the
when I was a teenager and thought myself a poet.

I pulled this fabric out because I am thinking that I really need to sew something with it.
If I leave it near my sewing machine, perhaps my quilty muse will speak. 

I have been re-reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
because I came across it when I was cleaning out an old cupboard.
It is what sent me in search of the bird fabric.
I actually read this book when it first came out although I was only ten years old,
because my mother had a copy and I heard her talking about it.
It was a very adult book for me at the time so it had a big impact
 on my growing thoughts about the environment.

It was my mother who taught me to feed the birds.
"Feed the birds and you will never go hungry,"
 was something she learned from my great grandmother 
that she passed down to me. 

There is a bird in this bush.

I heard a robin singing as these bushes are right outside my sewing machine window

so I thought I would go out to see if he would like to pose for a picture.

He did not.

Mr. Robin flew out of the bush in a flash and zoomed away over the fence.

I did see him so I am calling this my first robin sighting of the year.

The first time I heard him was the day of our last big snow.

I am thinking he flew north early as the temperatures in the south have been colder.

It is not common to have robins here in February but it does happen,

even when spring weather is weeks away.

Here is an interesting video about American Robins: 

5 Loveable Things About American Robins 

These guys had no problem posing ... as long as I did not interrupt their lunch.

So this shall have to do for my bird photo this week ... 

... unless I count this Dove as bird.

Why not?

Mr Scrapatch gave me a bag of these and I keep them in a jar

 and have one at night when I am getting ready for sleep.


I am thankful for today and for my blogging friends, the

I Like Thursday Bloggers @ Not Afraid of Color

Thanks for sharing with me.

Have a Happy Thursday! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week # 7


Time for Stitch Sew & Show ~ Week 7

My quilty kitty and I are happy this week to have a finished project

 to show this week.

Completing this quilt on time for the Show Your Stripes Blog Hop 

has kept me busy for the last week

so now I need to catch up on a few WIPs,

like my  SAHRR, which is stuck at Week 3,

as it is now Week 5 and the last border will be next Monday.

 This is what I have on my sewing table today.

I am working on the checkerboard border. 

Yesterday, I made more masks for Mr. Scrapatch to wear to work,

like I have done every month now for a year. 

Green for March! 

Early on we determined he needed masks with neck straps 

so they do not get tangled up in his over the ear hearing aides. 

Click on the this link:

3 Layer Masks with Neck Straps

for how I make these masks.

What are you working on this week?

Please share! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Show Your Stripes Blog Hop ~ My Day

Here is My Showing My Stripes Quilt! 
My quilt measures 64" square to the outside curves 
of my scalloped binding. 
The blocks, which are my version of the traditional Grandmother's Fan Block,
measure 12.5" unfinished.

When I joined the

I already pulled the small fat quarter bundle from my stash for another project
and realized the stripe fabric was perfect for a quilt that features stripes.

I love this quilt and have enjoyed every part of the making ...

My stripe fabric and color palette came from this gift fat quarter bundle.
I chose to use this stripe for both the binding and in the blocks.

I like the dramatic contrast with the soft florals and pastels.
When I was cutting fan blades for fat quarters and scraps,
I knew I wanted to feature the stripe in the center ... 

... and in the binding.

I had to do some searching to find a yard of the stripe fabric online
 to have enough for my binding.  This stripe fabric is 

 Shortcake Fabric by Heidi Staples of Fabric Mutt

it was the perfect finishing fabric for my scrappy pink, white and cream fabrics. 

It took my finished quilt outside to catch a few photos in natural light.
It will be snowing again here soon. 

I love the combination or creams and white and pinks and reds.

I love the dramatic play between the strip and the soft florals. 

I loved the curve so much I decided early on to make a scalloped binding.

I will be posting a mini tutorial on how I cut and sewed the binding soon.

I love everything about this quilt and have enjoyed sharing it with you today.

Please visit all the lovely stripers of the day,

the projects are all amazing and sew inspiring and creative! 

Tuesday, February 23rd

Life in the Scrapatch (you are here)

Thanks to the lovely 

Carla @ Creatin' in the Sticks 

for hosting this fun blog hop.

It is a cold rain outside now and I am enjoying my lovely new quilt
 inside where it is warm. 

My quilty kitty and will also be showing this project for my 

 Curves QAL Started Here 

so I will be posting more photos of how I made my quilt on my blog soon. 

Maestro says thank you for visiting us!

Time for a cat nap on quilt. 
