Monday, February 28, 2022

Crochet Slow Down Today

This is a very minor cut from my serrated bread knife.

However, the bandaid is a bit bulky and catching the yarns so it is causing

 a crochet slow down today in The Scrapatch.

I have been doing other things.

I tried laying out my completed squares on the table to see what my crocheted blanket might look like but I had a little too much help placing the blocks.

Nutmeg is so very helpful and is clearly staking her claim.

"This is mine, Mommy!

If you are good I will let you share it with me.

Now get back to working on it."

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Slow Sunday Stitching ~ Wave Stitch Crochet Square


It has been a cold and snowy weekend, 
a good time to stay in and stitch with a cuddly lap cat. 

We had 8-9 inches of snow on Friday and it has not melted much
 due to freezing temperatures.
 Outside right now we are having a "snow squall." If you are from a warm climate and do not know what this is, it means that there will not be much snow but it is falling fast and furiously and the wind is blowing it around so that visibility is very low. If we were driving, it would be best to find a safe place to pull over and wait for the snow to let up.  Driving in a blinding snow can be dangerous because you cannot see the outlines of the road or a car that might be stopped in front of you,
or a pedestrian trying to get out of the storm. 

So being able to stay warm and snug inside is a blessing.

Nutmeg and I are working on the first block in the

This is a wave stitch pattern that is done in multiples of 5 stitches
and there are 35 stitches in each row.

I admit that I had some difficulty following the written instructions for this pattern stitch.  It is written correctly, but I kept messing up on alternating the rows correctly and had to pull out a few rows more than once. 

I am a visual learner so I found the following video tutorial for this stitch very helpful:

I love the striped waves in the video 
and have plans to make my second block in three colors. 

I started by making a Foundation Single Crochet (FSC) of 35 stitches. 

Click on the link below if you would like to learn how to start with this stitch:

Foundation Single Crochet (FSC) ~ Video Tutorial 

~ Hooked by Robin

Then I chained 1 and turned and started my first pattern row, 

and in the back loop of my foundation row as called for in the pattern,

I alternated 5 slip stitches (Sl St)  with 5 half double crochet (HDC) stitches.

My second row repeated this row.

These two rows were followed by two rows which started with a chain 2 and repeats of 5 HDC followed by 5 Sl St across. 

After four rows the wave pattern stitch started to emerge.

Here is my block 15 progress.

Linking up tonight with

Slow Sunday Stitching @ Kathy's Quilts

I hope to put in a few more rows before sleep. 

Sweet stitching dreams! 

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Crochet Square 14 ~ Stitched and Blocked


Block 14 worked up quickly for my

 Squares Sampler Crochet Blocks  

This the second block in this bobble stitch pattern for 

7th Pattern Stitch @ The Inspired Wren Crochet Along.

This block is now drying on my blocking board overnight.

It measured very close to 12" but I block all my blocks so they will 

stitch together well when it comes tome to assemble my afghan.

In my last post I said I would talk a little about the adjustments I have made because I am using

which is worsted weight yarn.

In the 

which I am following to make these blocks, the yarn is 

Caron Simply Soft, which is a light weight worsted yarn.
The original pattern also calls for size H - 8 crochet hook
and the blocks measure 9 inches.

My yarn is a thicker worsted weight yarn 
and I am using a Size J

My blocks are measuring 12 inches square.

My block has 17 bobbles per row and 18 rows, as specified in the pattern.

As I started my row with a Foundation Single Crochet (FSC) row,
I did have to make a small adjustment to the instructions:
 I started with 34 FSC, instead of 36 chain stitches.

For my first row I chain stitched 3 chains before starting my first bobble.

When using a FSC start I look at how the rows are turned to determine how many stitches I need to start my pattern. 

I hope this information is helpful to anyone who may wish to follow along with how I am making my afghan.

As with quilting, I always find what works best for me when I crochet and use this as my guide.

May you find what works best for you in your creative place. 

Happy Hooking!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Crochet Squares Sampler Progress ~ Block 13 Reimagined


Here is Block 13 for my 

 Squares Sampler Crochet Blocks  

This is a improv of the original pattern:

7th Pattern Stitch @ The Inspired Wren Crochet Along,

which is an easy and fun bobble stitch.

Originally, I had planned to make this block in a solid pink.

 When I Started Here ~ Squares Sampler Afghan,

I had only one skein of each color yarn in my small yarn stash which was several years old.  

After I decided on my colors, I needed to find more yarn,

I had to purchase more yarn and, of course, I could not get the same dye lots.

So if you look close you can see the top three rows of the pink block are a newer brighter version of the same pink. 

After looking at this I decided that I needed to find a way to better integrate the new shade of Petal Pink yarn.

So I pulled out my top five rows and added some light gray and a row of the new pink and a row of the darker Perfect Pink yarn so that all my pinks were featured in this block.

Today it is snowing and I am working on Block 14 in light gray.

I have had several readers comment that they are following my methods in this crochet along for future reference. My next post will be about the adjustments I have had to make to allow for the fact my yarn is not the weight in the original sample quilt.  
which is worsted weight.

May you stay warm and well and safe from the storms of life. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

I Like Thursday # 125 ~ Stacks and Stitches


This stack of quilts has landed on the table in the corner of the living room while we are painting the bedroom.

It makes me smile.

Since it is Thursday I am passing along the things that have made me smile this week with my friends at 

I Like Thursday @ Not Afraid of Color

Hopefully these things will make you smile, too. 

I have a stack of crochet blocks to show you, too. 

Progress on my Squares Sampler Crochet Blocks  makes me smile.

This is my 13th Block and it is the first of two blocks in the

7th Pattern Stitch @ The Inspired Wren Crochet Along

It is an easy and fun bobble stitch.

This  spread out stack of books has been my reading this week,

 some I have read before, some are new to me,

although I have read many of the books by Sandra Dallas.

Most have been from the library or were loaners. 

These I purchased from Thrift Books 

where I have found many good books at a good price. 

Shipping is good, too. 

The Persian Pickle Club is my favorite of hers, so far.

Her non-fiction book is new to me and very interesting.

It comes as no surprise that she also write non-fiction because

her research has always made her fiction quite authentic. 

This was one of our treats this week.

They were quickly made and quickly devoured by Mr. Scrapatch, 

who loves chocolate chip cookies.  

I call these easy bar cookies "lazy woman chocolate chip cookies."

These are

Chocolate Chip Pecan Blondies from Once Upon a Chef

I added a drizzle of melted chocolate chips for added goodness.

It is almost spring in New England.

70 degrees one one day and a foot of snow in the forecast. 

We are closing the windows, battening down the hatches

 and getting the shovels ready.  

A stacks of cats!

The kitties say it is time for mommy to make sure we have plenty of cat food 

... and it is time to feed them dinner.

The Kitties and I say, 

"May you and yours stay safe and well 

and may you have a Happy Thursday!"

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Stitch Sew & Show ~ 2022 ~ Week 8

 Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ 2022 ~ Week 8 

I have eleven blocks done for my 

Squares Sampler Afghan ~ Started Here

I am very happy with how this is working up. 

I am halfway though the blocks in this crochet along:

Crochet Sampler Crochet Along @ The Inspired Wren

My 12th block is done and it is on my blocking board.

I varied from the pattern in the crochet along:

Pattern Stitch 6 ~ Moss Stitch/Single Crochet Stripes.

I made a this fun ziggy-zaggy striped block using all my main colors. 

All the blocks call for a round of single crochet around the borders.

I chose the light gray that I had on my hook at the end of the block for this border.  

I intend to use the light gray as the main color and the in the outer border.

This is what the center of the block looked like without the gray edging.

This block worked up square and flat in part because I remembered how I used to like to start my crochet projects. 

I do not like to chain stitch the start unless I am making something like a granny square or round project.

For scarves and afghans and sweaters, I always started with a Foundation Single Crochet (FSC) row when the instructions told me to chain start.

This is what my foundation FSC row looked like before I started the pattern stitch.

This method makes a nice stretchy foundation row that combines the chain and a single crochet stitch.

I like this method because it is not tight and does not curl like a chain stitch start. 

If you are unfamiliar with this method, here is a good video tutorial: 

Foundation Single Crochet (FSC) ~ Video Tutorial 

~ Hooked by Robin

This is my first stripe for Block 12. 

You can see how this looks even top and bottom.

I am feeling more confidant about my crochet skills again

after many years away.

My sewing machine is still sitting idle while I am sitting and crocheting.

Crochet is my happy creative place right now.

I can hear my sewing machine calling my name, though.

Where is your happy creative place right now?

Please share! 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

My Crochet Muse Has Awakened


It was bound to happen.

As I have regained my confidence in my crochet skills,

it is time to get creative.

I am playing with the color and pattern.

I made Block 11 with no variation from the pattern instructions: 

Well, I did find my sides were straighter and my turns crisper by

crocheting 3 chains, rather than two, when turning my moss stitch rows.

I do not consider this being creative.

I consider it making the pattern work better for me.

You can see the squareness of my turns in this photo:

This block was written for one color in two stitches.
My creative muse has called me to add color
and to only do the moss stitch. 

After seeing the creative variations in the links In My Previous Post,
I could not resist playing with the pattern and yarn.

Creativity is a good thing.

Do you always follow a pattern as written 
or do you always get creative?
Or both?

Monday, February 21, 2022

Squares Sampler Crochet ~ Block # 11 Progress


Block 11 for my Squares Sampler Afghan is in progress. 

Today was another "spring is coming" day in the scrapatch and I opened the window for awhile this afternoon, which helped to clear the paint fumes. We are putting a new coat of paint on the bedroom walls.  Home improvement photos soon. Today was a rare Monday holiday for Mr. Scrapatch so we also spent some time out and about and cooking and just enjoying the day.

This pattern stitch calls for alternating two stitches:

Pattern Stitch 6 ~ Moss Stitch/Single Crochet Stripes

I have done the moss stitch before.  I recall making a sage green sweater with dropped sleeves and ribbing on the cuffs when I was in my 20s.  I have no idea what happened to that sweater, but it was a favorite one spring. 

Here is a good video tutorial for how to crochet this stitch:

Moss Stitch Video @ Daisy Farm Crafts

There is a free pattern for a beautiful afghan crocheted in the Moss Stitch:

Modern Moss Stitch Blanket @ Daisy Farm Crafts

I have been exploring this site 

e found many wonderful patterns here: 

 Daisy Farm Crafts

and there is a treasure trove of  free how to videos on the

Daisy Farm Crafts YouTube  

This wonderful site has me dreaming of new projects
 while working on my sampler squares. 

What shall I crochet next, I wonder? 

For now I need to focus on the project at hand: 

Since the afghan squares call for bands of 10 rows in the alternating stitches, I am using this little counter to keep track of what row I am on.  I click the button every time I turn a row.   It had a plastic band to wear it on a finger, but I took the band off a long time ago as I do not like to wear rings. 

You cannot read it but I am on row 35, which is halfway there.

My block will be waiting for me tomorrow.

Time to call it a night.

May you have sweet quilty and stitchy dreams!  

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Slow Stitching Sunday ~ Crocheting Along


Blocks 9 and 10 are done for my 

Squares Sampler Afghan

,,, which means that I have half of the blocks made!

I am quite happy with my progress with is project.

I am linking up today with 

Slow Sunday Stitching @ Kathy's Quilts

and I am on to the second half of the blocks. 

Happy Stitching! 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Crocheting Along ~ Block 9 Done

 Block 9 stitched up quickly. 

This is an easy shell pattern that is quick to crochet and fun to do.

The 5th Pattern Stitch of the 

Afghan Sampler Crochet SAL

While Block 9 is drying on my blocking board ...

I am working on the second block in this pattern stitch.

The blocks word up quickly as they are composed of rows of 5 Double Crochet shells with Single Crochets between the shells. The alternating rows have the shells worked into the single crochet in the preceding row.  This make a lovely fan stitch.

I am working on the blocks while the paint is drying on our home improvement project and hope to make more progress tomorrow.

Today there were snow squalls and the ground in dusted in white again.

I has also been very windy and chilly.

I hope you and yours are having a happy and productive weekend.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Squares Sampler Afghan ~ 8 Blocks Done ~ 12 to Go!


This morning after my cup of coffee, I added the single crochet border to my second block for the 

Squares Sampler SAL ~ Pattern 4 ~ Vertical Ribs

@ The Inspired Wren

I had a rare late cup of coffee last night and sat up to finish the center of this block.  Then I went to bed feeling accomplished.

After I figured out how to make this pattern stitch work for me ,

I made both blocks in three days.

For my blocks I chained 38 and made 36 HDC stitches in the first row.

I started my pattern stitch with 2 SC and then began the pattern stitch of [1 FPDC and 3 SC] to make 8 vertical ribs and ended with 2 SC.  I turned with 1 Chain Stich and repeated the row for the rest of the center of the square.

I really like the look of this pattern stitch. 

My 8th block is pinned and sprayed with water and drying on my blocking board.

On to the next pattern stitch in the 

Afghan Sampler Crochet SAL

The 5th Pattern Stitch looks, like one I have done long ago 

and should be a much easier stitch for me.

This is the Afghan Sampler Layout with three colors or yarn.

I actually really like this simple layout.

However I decided on using four colors, two pinks and two grays

 so my afghan will look different.

I have been thinking of my setting and layout as I crochet and have an image in my mind that adds "sashing" between the blocks. It musty be the quilter in me that likes to play with my blocks.  I hope I can figure out how to do this with yarn.

I do love the creative element of stitching.

I may play with four of my blocks soon to see how this idea might work up.

Or maybe I will just make all 20 blocks and put them on my quilt design wall.

I have never done that with crochet blocks before.

It sounds like fun!

Mr. Scrapatch has a long weekend starting tonight and we have a home improvement project in our plans, so I hope I have time to stitch.

What are your plans? 

May you have  happy weekend!