Monday, January 31, 2022

Crocheting Along


I have finished the center of square five which is Bubble Baby stitch square one

for my Sampler Squares Crochet Afghan

I still have to put the single crochet edges stitches all the way around this block.

I had a bit of difficulty with the fact that the edges of the row are scalloped.

I kept wanting to add an extra bubble at the end of the rows to make it look even.

The border stitches will hopefully make the sides of my block straight.

I am not sure I have done this stitch exactly the same as in the sample block:

The third pattern stitch in the crochet sampler can be found 

 3rd Pattern Stitch Here @ The Inspired Wren

The original pattern source is for a free baby blanket pattern

Bubbles Baby Blanket Patter @ Ravelry

I do think my stitches look like the ones in the sample quilts here.

Anyway I like the stitch as I have done it and will be making the second block the same way. 

I think I have decided to limit my yarn colors to these two pinks and two grays. 

This little kitty has not been feeling well and had to go to vet last week. 

It was nice to see her come into the living room and sit with me as I stitched.

Hopefully this is a sign that she is well on the mend.

May you and yours stay well and safe.

Happy stitching. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Snow ~ The Day After


The Day After The Snow

This is what greeted us out our backdoor this morning.

We had to push the drifts away from the back door to get it open enough for

 Mr. Scrapatch to squeeze out. Going out the front door was not an option.

The snow was even deeper against the door on the north side of the house.

Katniss claimed the table view.

Maestro claimed the window basket. 

Nutmeg was still under the quilts. 

The kitties were waiting for birdie-vision.

The birdies were waiting for breakfast. 

Mr. Scrapatch plowed to the shed and then to the feeders.

The birdies emptied the feeders as fast as they could.

Mr. Scrapatch dragged and pushed the snow blower around most of the day.

When he got to the front he was surprised to find that one of our neighbors had used his larger snow blower to cut through the deep snow at the end of our driveway and cut a path up our front walk.  What a kind thing to do for us.

I  helped shovel the porches a little, but I mostly stayed indoors and crocheted, 

heated soup, made bread and kept the home fires burning.

It was just another day in the scrapatch.

I hope you and yours had a safe and happy weekend.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

* * * Snow * * *


... * * * ... snow ... * * * ...

Friday, January 28, 2022

Snow ~ Time To Crochet

Let it snow; let it snow; let it snow. 

It has started snowing here.

 The forecast is for blizzard conditions.

I think there is a fancy new name for this storm 

but here in New England we just call it a Nor'easter

a few feet of snow in windy whiteout conditions.

I have quilts. I have batteries. I have yarn.

The pretty yarn above arrived today.

It is the second month kit for the next three rows of my 

Christmas Candy Afghan ~ Started Here

I am tempted to drop everything and start Stripe 4.

Tonight, I am persevering with the next block for my

Sampler Squares Crochet Afghan

 I will finish this square and block it and then decide 

if I will be hooking squares or stripes tomorrow.

If I do not post for a day or two, it will likely mean we lost power.

Hoping to stay snug and warm this weekend.

May you be safe and warm, too.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

I Like Thursday # 121 ~ Life in the Scrapatch


Hello, My Thursday Friends

I have been baking, crocheting, reading and petting my kitties.

My newest creation in the kitchen used up some very ripe bananas 
and I decided to add some texture by crushing up some multibran flakes
and some additional flavor and moistness with unsweetened applesauce:

Branana Bread

  • 4-5  medium (about 2 cups mashed)

  • 2/3 cup butter, unsalted or salted, melted

  • 1 cup crushed bran flake cereal

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

  • teaspoon baking soda

  • cup sugar 

  • large eggs, beaten

  • teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour 

  • Makes two medium size loaves, 3" by 7.5."  Prepare pans by lining with parchment paper. 
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Melt butter and stir in crushed bran flakes to soften. 

  • Mash bananas with a fork in medium mixing bowl. Add beaten eggs, vanilla and applesauce and stir with fork until well combined.  Add sugar, flour and baking soda and stir just until combined.  Stir in melted butter and bran flakes until just combined. Spread into two prepared baking pans and sprinkle with a little sugar.  Bake for about 55-60 minutes at 350 degrees.  Check with toothpick.  If still sticky in center, cover loosely with foil and bake until tests done. Remove from pan after about five minutes and finish cooling on racks.

I enjoyed a warm slice with cream cheese. 

This will also toasts nicely the next day. 

In other news, I am now wearing the sensor that goes with this high tech data and messaging device for the next thirty days.  I will go about my usual life in the scrapatch while this collects information to help my doctors try to figure out what is happening in my health. The ECG device is actually very easy to wear.  There is only a small bandaid type patch with a pin box size sensor on my chest. I can take showers as usual and it does not feel uncomfortable when I am sleeping.

I shall just be taking life one stitch at a time like I always do.

May all be well with you and yours.

Happy Thursday! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Stitch Sew & Show ~ 2022 ~ Week 4


Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~  2022 ~ Week 4

Nutmeg and I have started square 5 for my

 Squares Sampler Crochet Afghan

The next two squares will be stitched in the

Bubble Baby Blanket Stitch ~ Free Pattern Here

I am still deciding on the colors.  So far I am using only the two pinks and the two grays.  The sample afghan is stitched in only three colors so I will be changing up the color order of the squares in the layout.

I am off to the cardiology department to get my Holter monitor and have a stress test.  Has anyone worn one of these cardio monitors for thirty days?  I would be interested in hearing your experience, if you would like to share in an email to me.

What are you working on today?

Please Share! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Two Basket Weave Crochet Blocks Done!


 Two Basket Weave Crochet Squares

for my version of the 

Click below for the free block pattern: 

Block Design 2 ~ Basket Weave Blocks

I have this block pinned to my blocking board to square it to size.

Cick Here for info on How to Block

I am looking forward to starting my 5th square tomorrow.

Happy Stitching and Sewing! 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Quilty Reading


I have been doing a lot of just sitting and reading the last few days.

Since I have not been quilting, I am reading this fictional series about quilters.

I have mixed feelings about this author and series.

There is a lot that I like and a lot I do not like.

I really like the setting which sounds like a lovely vacation spot. There is even a recipe from a real restaurant at the end of each book. 

However, the writing is a bit amateurish and the books read like watching soap operas which are not my cup of tea.

After the third book ended in yet another cliffhanger that is clearly designed to make readers go pre-order the next book, I may have decided that I do not care enough about the characters to buy the book. 

I am wondering if others have read this series and have felt the same way.

I see the author has other quilt series and am wondering if these are worth reading.

Discussion welcome ... :) 

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Slow Stitches From the Heart


Stitches From the Heart

I have settled on this or my cross stitch work in progress. 

I started this project Here in 2021

before it was laid aside for other projects.

This is a free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop.

Download the free Stitches From The Heart

 Cross Stich Pattern Here 

I actually had some trouble finding my  WIP bag in my messy closets.

I am still looking for the floss llamas that I was using, but they must have been moved to a different project bag.  I did find more of the floss colors, so I have decided to just wind more as I go.

This will be my small carry with me project this week as I go to appointments

This week on Wednesday I will start wearing a heart monitor for diagnostic purposes. 

I do hope to have this project done by Valentine's Day.

May all your stitching be happy!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

My Local Quilt Shop ~ Fabric Love

Who loves free fabric? ~ I love free fabric!

For Christmas, Mr. Scrapatch went to my local quilt shop 
and bought a gift card that also included the bonus of a card
 that lets me choose one yard of free fabric per month.  

What a guy! 

 For "Local Quilt Shop Day" I visited my favorite LQS:

Bits n Pieces Quilt Shop in Pelham, NH

I have been shopping here since it was a tiny place across the street with no long arm machines.  I remember shopping its moving sale when I came home with bolts of fabric that were $2.00 per yard.  Some of them are still in my closet finding ways into my quilts.

It is always a bit cluttered with bolts of colorful fabric stacked everywhere

 and full of fabric treasures waiting to be found.

It feels like home. 

Bits n Pieces, by the way, is one the quilt shop where I always see two or three men wandering the narrow aisles. Today was no exception. 

It is that kind of place. 

This is my progress last year on 

My Kingfisher Quilt

There are quite a few of the $2.00 per yard BnP moving sale fabrics in the hexies. 

It was set aside at the end of summer for other projects. 

I have been putting in a few stitches here and there

to make more folded hexies for this quilt.

When I saw this Hummingbird Heaven Fabric from Studio E 

I decided it would be perfect to add to my floral fabrics and hexies.

There are free quilt patterns for this line in the link above.

One free pattern is this easy and beautiful panel quilt:

Hummingbird Heaven Free Pattern Here

If you would like a kit for this quilt:

Bits n Pieces has this Hummingbird Heaven Quilt Kit Here

I loved these pink and yellow nasturtiums. 
It is true hummingbirds love nasturtiums because I have seen them feasting on the nectar of the ones in my windowboxes in late summer. 

Hummingbird Heaven Here

I hope you had a happy Local Quilt Shop Day! 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Looking Forward to Happy Heart Day!

Happy Hearts and Valentine's Day is coming next month.

Nutmeg and I love pink and red so we pulled out a new project or two

out of our stash. 

This pretty kit is from

I bought this kit last November at 

Pine Mountain Designs 

It is the

Valentine Typography Kit

which appears to be out of stock. 

There are many new patterns and kits to explore! 

Click Here for Pine Mountain Cross Stitch

I would love to fill my cart with each one of these, but I am resisting the urge.

I am not affiliated in any way with this shop.

I just love the designs and kits. 

I hope to have this stitched for February.

I did not realize that the pillow was already sewn.

The aida is 14 count, which is a bit small for me.

I am pondering this before I begin to stitch.

May you have a happy weekend or sewing and stitching! 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

I Like Thursday # 120 ~ Cuddle Cat & This and That


Good Morning from Nutmeg to our friends of 

I Like Thursday @ Not Afraid of Color

Nutmeg does not want to give up the warm lap today. 

Mr. Scrapatch and I played pass the lap cat, as we often do. 

Then he needed to go to work. 

Nutmeg settled for the quilt on the warm radiator for awhile so I can type. 

This week's dessert is ...

Baked Rice Pudding @ Tastes Better From Scratch

I was using up some cream and eggs nearing their end date and leftover rice.

I used 6 eggs and 2 cups of whipping cream and 2 cups of milk and 3 cups of cooked rice. I had golden raisins from holiday baking and these were very sweet and tasty in the pudding. I used only 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 3 teaspoons of vanilla, as I prefer a very vanilla taste to rice pudding.  The two extra eggs were necessary, I think, as this pudding is much drier than stove top or slow cooked rice pudding.  

The raisins sink to the bottom and there is a nice layer custard on top.   

Mr. Scrapatch says this recipe is a keeper. 

I liked it warm from the oven or cold from the fridge with a dollop of canned cream on top.

It was also nice to heated in the microwave with the cream on top for about 30 seconds and the warmed cream stirred into pudding.


I received these books for Christmas. 

They are a series:

Quilters of the Door by Ann Hazlewood from C&T Publishing

So far I have only read about half of book one, so if you have read them, no spoilers.  I have several books on my reading table right now and I don't know when I will catch up with all my reading. One of the things I really like about these paperbacks is the print is large and easy to read.  I also like the setting, which is new to explore for me.  It looks like a beautiful place to visit. Maybe someday.

 The setting is the Door County Peninsula in Wisconsin

Nutmeg has found my lap again and it is tricky to reach over her and type.

The radiator must be cold or she needs another cuddle.

That is all for today, my friends.

May you have a Happy Thursday! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Stitch Sew & Show ~ 2022 ~ Week 3

Welcome to Stitch Sew & Show ~ 2022 ~ Week 3

I love scrappy quilts and treasure all my fabric scraps.

One of the ways I used to increase my scraps when I was a new quilter was to swap small pieces of fabric with other quilters online. Very often I ran the swap so I so I could collect many different scraps. The blue and white snowflake and snowman fabric that I am using for my QATW Winter Mystery Quilt were collected in such a swap.  Friends sent the 10" squares of fabric to me and I swapped and sent their new fabric squares back to them.   Very often the swappers sent me an extra "gift" piece of fabric for running the swap. Lucky me!

To see how I used to organize these swaps ...

Click Here for 30s Fabric Swap 

that I did in 2010.  The snowman fabric swap was one of the first swaps that I did so it preceded my blog.  As you can see I used to pin one piece of each fabric to a note with the person's name so that I would not inadvertently send their own fabric back to the swapper.  

In the snowman fabric above are the pieces sent by one of my first quilty friends online, Gerda.  Gerda was the resident "librarian" on the forum to which we belonged because she always knew the name to a block or particular pattern and could provide a website at the tip of her fingers.  I learned a lot about patterns and quilting from Gerda in Canada. 

Gerda and I also exchanged signature blocks many years ago. 

I posted this Memorial To Gerda in 2012 after she passed away.

Gerda was a treasured friend.  I am happy to have her scraps of fabric and I know she is smiling somewhere today to know that her fabric stash lives on in others' quilts.  I have plans to make the small quilt that I am making two sided with Gerda's snowman fabric on the back. 

Looking at this signature block has me thinking.   

I have collected quite a few of these little blocks over the years and still have them in a special place in my stash. I have not collected any in a few years.

I really do not do swaps anymore. 

At this point in my life I find them more stressful than fun.

But I am wondering if any of you who are reading this would like to do a single signature block swap with me so I may add your name to my treasured stack of signature block friends.

It would be a one-on-one swap.  

I make and mail a block to you.

You make and mail a block to me.

When (add if) you can ... no deadline ... no stress.

Just two online friends making a sending one block in an envelope to each other.

I would post a  block tutorial if anyone is interested.

I hope you are having a scrappy happy week!

Please join in the fun by sharing what you are working on. 

Thank You!